• Rezultati Niso Bili Najdeni

Table 1: Solvents used for experimental procedures

Solvents CAS-No. Supplier

Acetone6 67-64-1 LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy

Acetonitrile1 75-05-8 VWR Int. (Darmstadt, Germany) Chloroform6 67-66-3 VWR Int. (Darmstadt, Germany)

Chloroform-d2 865-49-6 Euriso-Top (Saint-Aubin Cedex, France) DCM anhydrous3 75-09-2 Acros organics (Geel, Belgium)

DCM3 75-09-2 Fisher Scientific (Schwerte, Germany) Deuterium oxide2 7789-20-0 Euriso-Top (Saint-Aubin Cedex, France) DMF4 68-12-2 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Ethanol absolute3 64-17-5 Vwr Int. (Darmstadt, Germany)

Ether6 - LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy

Ethyl acetate5 141-78-6 Staub & Co. (Nürnberg, Germany) Methanol3 67-56-1 Fisher Scientific (Schwerte, Germany) Millipore Water8 - In-house purification, using fully automatic

Evoqua Ultra Clear GP TWF DI/EDI Water Purification System

MTBE7 1634-04-4 Brenntag (Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany) n-butanol6 71-36-3 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) n-heptane6 142-82-5 Grüssing (Filsum, Germany)

n-hexane6 110-54-3 Grüssing GmbH (Filsum, Germany) NMP4 872-50-4 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) THF4 109-99-9 Fisher Scientific (Schwerte, Germany)

1 HPLC grade; 2 1H-NMR grade (> 99.9 %); 3 analytical grade; 4 peptide grade; 5 purum; 6 purissimum; 7 synthesis grade; 8 purified, deionized

Table 2: Chemicals and reagents used for experimental procedures Chemicals and reagents CAS-No. Supplier

1 M HCl 7647-01-0 VWR Chemicals BDH® (Insmaming, Germany) 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic

acid 490-79-9 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) 2-chlorotritylchloride

resin 42074-68-0 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany)

2-Hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic acid 2612-02-4 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Acetic acid 64-19-7 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

17 Chemicals and reagents CAS-No. Supplier

Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Agarose 9012-36-6 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Boc anhydride 24424-99-5 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Boric acid 10043-35-3 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Bromophenol blue 115-39-9 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) CaCl2 anhydrous 10043-52-4 Grüssing GmbH (Filsum, Germany Celite 61790-53-2 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Concentrated HCL - LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy D-(+)-Glucose

monohydrate 14431-43-7 Merck Millipore (Darmstadt, Germany)

DBU 6674-22-2 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

DIPEA 7087-68-5 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

EDT 540-63-6 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

EDTA disodium salt

dihydrate 6381-92-6 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Ethyl trifluoroacetate 383-63-1 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Fmoc-Ala-Wang resin 04-12-2043 Novabiochem® (Darmstadt, Germany) Fmoc-Gly-OH 29022-11-5 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Arg(Pbf)-OH 154445-77-9 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Cys(Trt)-OH 103213-32-7 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-His(Trt)-OH 109425-51-6 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Lys(Boc)-OH 71989-26-9 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany)

Fmoc-L-Lys(Fmoc)-OH 78081-87-5 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Lys(N3)-OH 159610-89-6 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Trp(Boc)-OH 143824-78-6 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-L-Tyr(tBu)-OH 71989-38-3 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) Fmoc-OSu 82911-69-1 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) GelRed™ - Biotum (Biotium, Hayward, CA, USA) Glycerin 56-81-5 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) HBTU 94790-37-1 Multisyntech GmbH (Witten, Germany) HEPES 7365-45-9 Biomol (Hamburg, Germany)

HOBt 123333-53-9 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

KCN 151-50-8 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

Liquid nitrogen - LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy

Na2SO4 anhydrous 7757-82-6 ORG Laborchemie GmbH (Bunde, Germany) NaHCO3 144-55-8 LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy

18 Chemicals and reagents CAS-No. Supplier

NaOH 1310-73-2 ORG Laborchemie GmbH (Bunde, Germany) Ninhydrin 485-47-2 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Nitrogen - LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy

pCMV-luc - Plasmid Factory GmbH (Bielefeld, Germany) PEHA 4067-16-7 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

Phenol 108-95-2 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Pipperidine 110-89-4 Iris Biotech (Marktredewitz, Germany) PyBOP 437-1 Multisyntech GmbH (Witten, Germany) Pyridine 110-86-1 Acros organics (Geel, Belgium)

Sephadex® G-10 9050-68-4 GE Healthcare (Freiburg, Germany) Silica gel 7631-86-9 Acros organics (Geel, Belgium) Succinic anhydride 108-30-5 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

TEA 121-44-8 Grüssing GmbH (Filsum, Germany)

TEPA x 5 HCl 4961-41-5 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

TFA 76-05-1 Acros organics (Geel, Belgium)

TIS 6485-79-6 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

tri-Sodium citrate

dihydrate 6132-04-3 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Triton™ X-100 9002-93-1 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany) Trizma® Base 77-86-1 Sigma-Aldrich (Munich, Germany)

Table 3: Buffers and matrix used for experimental procedures

Buffer Composition

Electrophoresis loading buffer

6 mL of glycerin; 1.2 mL of 0.5 M EDTA; 2.8 mL of Millipore water; 0.02 g of bromophenol blue

HBG 20 mM HEPES buffer with 5 % (w/v) glucose; pH 7.4

Super-DHB (10 mg/mL)

9:1 (w/w) mixture of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic acid in TA30 (AcN/Millipore water (3:7) with 0.1 % (v/v) TFA)

TBE buffer Trizma base 10.8 g; boric acid 5.5 g; EDTA 0.75 g; and 1 L of Millipore water

TLC staining solution 0.4 g of ninhydrin dissolved in 200 mL of

100:4.5:0.5 (v/v/v) n-butanol/Millipore water/acetic acid


Buffer Composition

Trisodium citrate buffer

(0.1 M; pH 5.5) 0.1 M of trisodium citrate dihydrate, adjusted to pH 5.5

Table 4: Materials used for experimental procedures

Materials Supplier

1.5 mL Eppendorf tube Brand (Wertheim, Geramny) 15- and 50-mL disposable centrifuge

test tube Lab Logistcs Group GmbH (Meckenheim,

Germany) 2- and 10-mL polypropylene syringe

microreactors with

polytetrafluoroethylene filters Multisyntech GmbH (Witten, Germany) 5 mL Eppendorf tube Eppendorf AG (Hamburg, Germany) Alu-laboratory-pop-up foil 230 x

270 LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy

Boiling chips SARSTEDT AG & Co. KG (Nümbrecht, Germany)

Disposable UV-Cuvette micro;

70 μL BRAND GMBH + CO KG (Wertheim


Folded capillary zeta cell Malvern Panalytical (Worcestershire, UK)

Dry ice LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy

Filter paper (150 mm) Lab logistics (Meckenheim, Germany)

Ice LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of

chemistry and pharmacy

100 Sterican® 0.90 x 70 mm B. Braun Melsungen AG (Melsungen, Germany)

Oil bath LMU chemical supply center; Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy

Pipette tips (10 mL) Eppendorf (Hamburg, Germany) Pipette tips (10 μL,

200 μL, 1000 μL) Brand (Wertheim, Geramny)

TLC Silica gel 60 F254 Merck Millipore (Darmstadt, Germany)

20 3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Synthesis of the Stp building block bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3)


Figure 3: Reaction scheme of bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3) synthesis

118.9 g of TEPA x 5 HCl were weighed into the 2 L round-bottom flask which was fastened on the ring stand with utility clamps and a magnetic stir bar was put inside. TEPA x 5 HCl was dissolved in 130 mL of DCM and 370 mL of MeOH and stirred at 1000 rpm on the magnetic stirrer. 223 mL of TEA, which was added to transform TEPA x 5 HCl into the free form, was slowly added to the solution that was cooled down to 0 °C in a dewer with an ice bath. 100 g of TFAEt was dissolved in 250 mL of DCM in a 500 mL beaker. The dropping funnel was fastened on the ring stand with utility clamps and installed with a round-bottom flask. (See Figure 7: Dropping apparatus). The TFAEt solution was poured into the dropping funnel and added dropwise (1 drop per 3 seconds) to the reaction mixture which was then stirred overnight at RT and 1000 rpm. The dropping funnel was closed with a chlorcalcium tube. 234.79 g of Boc anhydride was weighed into the beaker and dissolved in 200 mL of DCM. Additional 179 mL of TEA was added to the reaction mixture that was stirred at 1000 rpm. The solution with Boc anhydride was poured into the dropping funnel and added dropwise (1 drop per 3 seconds) to the reaction mixture under stirring at RT and 1000 rpm. After the addition, solution was stirred overnight. Organic solvents were evaporated using a rotary evaporator (Büchi Rotavapor R-114, Büchi Waterbath B-480) first at 800 mbar and then the pressure slowly dropped to 388 mbar. The water bath had a temperature of 50 °C. The solution was concentrated to 800 mL and the organic phase was washed, using a separating funnel, two times with 250 mL of 5 % NaHCO3 solution (w/w) (50 g of NaHCO3 were dissolved in 950 g of Millipore water) and three times with Millipore


water. The organic phase was collected into the Erlenmeyer tube, diluted with 500 mL of DCM and dried with Na2SO4

anhydrous (The drying of the solution was terminated when the portions of Na2SO4 anhydrous were floating freely in the solvent without clotting after addition and shaking). The suspension was filtered using a Büchner funnel with a filter paper inside and a side-arm flask with a tube leading to a vacuum pump and subsequently transferred into a 2 L round-bottom flask. The organic solvent was evaporated first, by using first rotary evaporator at 840 mbar and 60 °C and second, by a vacuum line (<10 mbar) until a yellowish waxy solid substance was obtained.

A reflux apparatus was assembled, consisting of a 2 L round-bottom flask with bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3) inside put into an oil bath, installed with the reflux condenser, and fastened on a ring

stand with utility clamps. The oil bath was heated to 80 °C and a magnetic stirrer was set to 600 rpm. The magnetic stir bar was put inside the round-bottom flask and subsequently DCM was added portion wise until everything was dissolved (150 mL). In the next step n-hexane was added portion wise until clouding on the surface of the solution could be discerned.

After the occurrence of clouding, heating was stopped, the mixture was let to slowly cool down to RT and it was put into the fridge at 7 °C overnight. Next day, clean crystals could be seen which were filtrated using Büchner funnel with four filter papers inside and side-arm flask with a tube leading to a vacuum pump and washed with n-hexane. The final product was at the end dried using vacuum line overnight (<10 mbar), analyzed by 1H-NMR and ESI-MS (See 1H-NMR, ESI-MS), and stored in the fridge at 7 °C.(54)

bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3) TEPA(Boc3)

Figure 5: Reaction scheme of TEPA(Boc3) synthesis

Figure 4: Reflux apparatus


20 g bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3) was dissolved in 175 mL of absolute ethanol in a 1 L round-bottom flask and 195 mL of a 3 M aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (120 g of NaOH were dissolved in 1 L of Millipore water) was subsequently slowly added approximately within 30 min during the stirring with the magnetic stir bar on the magnetic stirrer set to 500 rpm.

The resulting mixture was stirred for 20 h overnight. After 20 h the ethanol had evaporated as far as it was possible using a rotary evaporator (Büchi Rotavapor R-114, Büchi Waterbath B-480). The pressure was dropped to 120 mbar and the water bath had the temperature of 60 °C. The mixture was filled into a separating funnel and the water phase was extracted in a fume hood four times with 100 mL of DCM. Afterwards, the organic phase was dried over Na2SO4 anhydrous and shaken for 5 min until the solution was dry (See bis-tfa-TEPA(Boc3)). The suspension was filtered using Büchner funnel with a filter paper inside and a side-arm flask with a tube leading to a vacuum pump and subsequently transferred into a tared 1 L round-bottom flask. The organic solvent was evaporated first by the rotary evaporator at the pressure of 800 mbar and water bath heated up to 40 °C and subsequently by a vacuum line at the pressure smaller than 10 mbar until a highly viscous compound was yielded. The final product was solidified, stored in the fridge at 7 °C and analyzed by

1H-NMR and ESI-MS (See 1H-NMR, ESI-MS).(54) Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH

Figure 6: Reaction scheme of Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH synthesis


The mass of isolated TEPA(Boc3) was determinated by weighing the round-bottom flask with TEPA(Boc3) and subtracting the tare. TEPA(Boc3) was dissolved in 50 mL of THF in a round-bottom flask, a magnetic stir bar was added, and the mixture was stirred on the magnetic stirrer at 600 rpm in the fume hood until TEPA(Boc3) was completely dissolved. The round-bottom flask was fastened onto the ring stand with utility clamps, placed into a dewer and installed with a dropping funnel. Underneath was a magnetic stirrer set to 600 rpm. Acetone and dry ice were filled into the dewer and the temperature of -75 °C was maintained by adding dry ice from time to time (At the optimal temperature, there were no bubbles in the bath and also some solid dry ice could be observed at the bottom.). The first additions of dry ice were added very carefully because at the

beginning, a lot of gas had been generated, causing a lot of bubbling and splashing. At the end, the dewer and round-bottom flask were covered with aluminum foil. 1.25 eq. of Succinic anhydride according to the yield of TEPA(Boc3) was weighed into a beaker and dissolved in 400 mL of THF. Half of it was poured into the dropping funnel and with the other half following later on. The dropping funnel was closed with a chlorcalcium tube. The solution was slowly added dropwise to the reaction mixture, approximately 1 drop per 5 seconds, and additional dry ice was added to maintain the right temperature. When the addition was completed, the reaction mixture was stirred at 600 rpm and -75 °C for one hour and then for one additional hour at RT.(54)

3 eq. of DIPEA according to the yield of TEPA(Boc3) was slowly added to the reaction mixture under stirring at 600 rpm and the batch was cooled down to 0 °C by putting it into the ice bath (dewer with ice). 1.5 eq. of Fmoc-OSu according to the yield of TEPA(Boc3) was weighed into the beaker and dissolved in 60 mL of acetonitrile and 30 mL of THF. A round-bottom flask was installed with a dropping funnel. When the reaction mixture cooled down, the Fmoc-OSu solution was poured into the dropping funnel and the flask was washed with 30 mL of THF. The solution was subsequently added dropwise (1 drop per 3 seconds) into the reaction mixture that was stirred over the night at 600 rpm. The next day, the solution was concentrated to approximately 50 mL using a rotary evaporator at the pressure of

Figure 7: Dropping apparatus


320 mbar and a water bath at the temperature of 60 °C. The concentrate was poured into the separating funnel with 100 mL of DCM inside. The organic phase was washed five times with 100 mL of trisodium citrate buffer (0.1 M; pH 5.5). After that, the organic phase was dried over Na2SO4 anhydrous under slight shaking (For more details see TEPA(Boc3)). The solution was filtered directly into the 1 L round-bottom flask using a filter paper and a filter funnel. Into the round-bottom flask was subsequently added an adequate amount of celite (around 32 g) to obtain a very dense consistence. The organic solvent was evaporated using first a rotary evaporator (800 mbar at 40 °C) and second a vacuum line (<10 mbar).(54) Purification of Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH by a dry column vacuum chromatography A separating funnel and a sintered glass Büchner

funnel were installed with a side-arm adapter, connected to a vacuum pump, and fastened on a ring stand with utility clamps. The sintered glass Büchner funnel was gradually filled with a silica gel and every new layer of silica gel, which was approximately 5 mm high, was first pressed without and then with applied vacuum to produce a compact silica gel bed that was approximately 10 cm high. On the top of the silica gel bed a filter paper was laid. The column was then poured with 800 mL of n-heptane for two times under applied vacuum. The crude Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH was pulverized using a mortar and a pestle and added evenly on the filter paper of the column and the

second filter paper was added on the top. 100 mL fractions of solvents were added with a measuring cylinder as shown in the table below, the vacuum was applied, and eluates were collected into the boiling tubes.(54)

Table 5: Solvent composition for dry column vacuum chromatography

Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … N


A solvent gradient of n-heptane-ethyl acetate was used to remove Fmoc byproducts and ethyl acetate-methanol to elute our final product. Ethyl acetate was purified before use (See Ethyl acetate purification). Each fraction was analyzed by TLC using silica gel aluminum plates for fluorescence quenching at 254 nm in the size of 10x7 cm and a solvent mixture of 7:3 CHCl3/MeOH. Five samples per plate were applied with capillary tube, 1.5 cm above the bottom edge at 1 cm from each. The plate was dried on air and subsequently placed into the chromatography tank with a solvent mixture inside (3 mm). The plate was dried as soon as the solvent had reached 1 cm before the upper edge and spots visible under UV lamp (Hanau FLUOTEST quartz lamp 204 AC analysis lamp) at 254 nm were marked with a pencil. Some side products, which are lacking Fmoc protection group, are not visible under the UV lamp.

Because of that, a Ninhydrin staining was applied to detect the spots without fluorescence quenching. These side products elute at lower a Rf value as Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH. The composition of fraction 5:95 n-heptane/ethyl acetate was used until no Fmoc byproducts at Rf > 0.9 could be observed and so also the composition of fraction 80:20 ethylene acetate/methanol was used until no spots at Rf = 0.6 of Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH could be observed. All fractions containing Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH with no side products were combined in a tared 1 L round-bottom flask and the solvents were evaporated using first a rotary evaporator at a pressure of 290 mbar and a temperature of 60 °C, and second a vacuum line at pressure of <10 mbar. After that, the product resembled a solid foam. The product Fmoc-Stp(Boc3)-OH was evaluated by ESI-MS and 1H-NMR (See 1H-NMR, ESI-MS).(54) Ethyl acetate purification

Ethyl acetate was purified in a fume hood by a simple distillation.

A round-bottom flask with some boiling chips inside was fastened on a ring stand with a utility clamp and installed with a three-way clause adapter into a heating mantle. The adapter was connected to condenser and the cooling water was running in the opposite

direction as our distillation. The Figure 9: Distillation apparatus


final product was pouring through the funnel into the Erlenmeyer flask. Before the distillation started, ethyl acetate was poured into the round-bottom flask through the adapter and the temperature of the heating mantle was raised to 77 °C. The first 100 mL were discarded. At the end, 2 L of distillated ethyl acetate were collected.

3.2.2 Synthesis of the Sph building block Purification of pentaethylene hexamine

250 mL of PEHA isomers mixture was distilled using high-vacuum distillation. The forerun was collected at around 170–175 °C, the first fraction was collected at around 180–188 °C, second at around 190–195 °C and tail at around 196–215 °C, all at pressure of 1.5 mbar.

60 mL of the second fraction were dissolved in a 2 L round-bottom flask with 500 mL of methanol and cooled down to 0 °C in a dewer with ice bath. A magnetic stir bar was added, and the solution was stirred at 500 rpm. The apparatus was assembled, see Figure 7:

Dropping apparatus. Concentrated HCl was poured into the dropping funnel (100 mL) and added dropwise to the solution (1 drop per 3 seconds) until the precipitate formed after the addition of about 80 ml. The suspension was filtered using a Büchner funnel with three filter papers inside and side-arm flask with a tube leading to a vacuum pump. Subsequently, it was washed first with 100 mL of acetone and second with 100 mL of ether for around every 50 mL of suspension. The washed product was dried by vacuum line overnight (<10 mbar) and stored in the fridge at 7 °C. Purity was analyzed by ESI-MS (See ESI-MS).(55) Synthesis of Sph

The following steps were executed in the same way as synthesis of Stp building block (See Synthesis of the Stp building block), but with different amounts of reagents as stated in the table on the next page.(44)

27 Table 6: Components used for Sph synthesis

Reagent n [mmol] Equivalents Mass [g] Volume [mL]

To check if the Fmoc byproducts interfere with SPAS, a dummy structure was synthesized.

Fmoc-Gly-OH was loaded on the resin according to the Loading of a 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin with an Fmoc protected amino acid and loading was determined according to the Resin loading determination. After the loading determination, resin was deprotected (See Fmoc deprotection). 0.02 mmol of loaded resin was weighed into the 10 mL syringe reactor and the following sequence was synthesized [G-Sph-G-Sph-G-Sph-G] using an automatic synthesizer (See Automated synthesis) at 50 °C. The synthesized sequence was cleaved off the resin using normal cleave conditions (See Cleavage off the resin). Synthesized structures were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS (See MALDI-TOF MS).

3.2.3 Solid-phase-assisted synthesis Loading of a 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin with an Fmoc protected amino acid 0.75 g of 2-chlorotritylchloride resin was weighed into a 10 mL syringe reactor. 5 mL of dry DCM (dried over CaCl2) was added to preswell the resin and a closed syringe reactor was incubated using the Heidolph Reax 2overhead shaker for 30 min at 65 rpm. DCM was subsequently discarded. Into 5 ml Eppendorf tube was weighed 0.29 eq. of amino acid, according to the resin, which was dissolved in 4 mL of dry DCM and 3 eq. of DIPEA was added according to the resin. The solution was vortexed and transferred into the syringe reactor, which was subsequently incubated, for 1 h at 65 rpm. The solution was discarded and a capping solution of 2 mL of DCM, 1.5 mL of methanol and 250 μL of DIPEA was


vortexed in a 5 mL Eppendorf tube and added into the closed syringe reactor that was incubated again for a half of an hour at 65 rpm. The solution was subsequently discarded and washed two times first with DCM, second with DMF, once with DCM again and last two times with n-hexane (5 mL of each). The washed resin was dried in an exsiccator under vacuum overnight and stored in the fridge at 7 °C to avoid exposure to air and water. Loading of the four-arm branching core on Fmoc-Ala-Wang resin

Because of highly branched four-arm oligomers, a very low load of the four-arm branching

core was prepared to avoid aggregation. 600 mg of Fmoc-Ala-Wang resin (loading 0.3 mmol/g) was weighed into a 10 mL syringe reactor and preswelled with DCM (10 mL/g

resin) for 30 min using the Heidolph Reax 2 overhead shaker at 65 rpm. The resin was deprotected (See Fmoc deprotection). 0.25 eq. of Fmoc-L-Lys(Fmoc)-OH relative to free resin-bound amines were weighed into the first 5 mL Eppendorf tube and into the second, 0.25 eq. of PyBOP and HOBt. Components were dissolved in a mixture of DCM and DMF

resin) for 30 min using the Heidolph Reax 2 overhead shaker at 65 rpm. The resin was deprotected (See Fmoc deprotection). 0.25 eq. of Fmoc-L-Lys(Fmoc)-OH relative to free resin-bound amines were weighed into the first 5 mL Eppendorf tube and into the second, 0.25 eq. of PyBOP and HOBt. Components were dissolved in a mixture of DCM and DMF