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1 Publikacija Slovenija brez tobaka - kdaj?


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(1) psychosocial health in childhood & youth; (2) nutrition of children and ado- lescents; (3) information and communication technology (ICT) solutions and services for the

The project outcomes included this scientific monograph ‘Women, Migra- tions and Health: Ensuring Transcultural Healthcare’ which addresses various aspects of migration and

medicine refers to the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the experiences of a given culture used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention or treatment of

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Office for Drugs Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction Ljubljana Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of

Coordination of Centres for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction at the Ministry of Health Irena Klavs, M.D., M.Sc. Institute of Public health of the Republic of Slovenia

European Union by actions in the areas of health promotion and prevention, screening and early diagnosis, cancer-related health care, coordination of cancer research,

Namen naše raziskave je bil oceniti vključenost Rominj v preventivne programe na področju reproduktivnega zdravja in v nekaterih segmentih primerjati zdravstveno

Razvoj obstoječih elektronskih zapisov o bolniku je, še vedno prednostno usmerjen v izpolnjevanje administrativno-finančnih nalog zdravstvenih zavarovalnic in manj v zagotavljanje