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View of A Note from the Editors - Essays in Honour of Andrej Rijavec


Academic year: 2022

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M U Z I K O L O Ø K I Z B O R N I K • M U S I C O L O G I C A L A N N U A L X L I I I / 1

Spremna beseda urednikov

Priœujoœi zbornik posveœamo zasluænemu prof. dr. Andreju Rijavcu njegovi prijatelji, kolegi in øtudenti. Naslov zbornika »Kaj je glasba?« razpira sicer po eni strani globino brezkonœnega spraøevanja o ontoloøkem bistvu umetnosti, ki smo ji skupaj s slavljencem zapisani; odstrinja æe vnaprej neujemljive in nedosegljive dalje brezmejnih øirjav, ki nas lahko zaradi nujnega pristanka na nepoteøljivost naøega dejanja, naøih raziskovalnih in strokovnih priœakovanj pehajo v brezup in neodloœenost. Vendarle na drugi strani z razseænostmi, ki jih ne utesnjuje obiœajna øtiridimenzionalnost, vabi v dialog z Neznanim, v œaroben objem Lepega in Harmoniœnega. In prav strokovno brezhiben, a obe- nem prefinjen in sproøœen, svetovljansko øirok in slovensko obœutljiv odnos do glasbe, umetnosti in znanosti, je tisto, kar po naøem mnenju posebej odlikuje slavljenœev opus in zaradi œesar se mu s priœujoœim delom poklanjamo – veseli, da se smemo imenovati njegovi

prijatelji, kolegi in øtudenti

A Note from the Editors

The present anthology is dedicated to Prof. Dr Andrej Rijavec, on behalf of his friends, colleagues and students. Its title, “What is Music?” evokes, on the one hand, the depths of infinite enquiry about the ontological essence of art, about which we have written together with the dedicatee; it divulges the intrinsically irresolvable and unreachable distant, borderless vastness that can, due to the insoluble nature of our undertaking and our expectations as researchers and specialists, plunge us into despair and uncertainty. While on the other hand, with an expansiveness unbound by normal four-dimensionality, it draws us into a dialogue with the Unknown, into the magical embrace of the Beautiful and the Harmonious. And it is precisely his attitude to music, art and science - professionally flawless, but at the same time refined and effortless, broadly cosmopolitan while retaining a sensitivity to the Slovenian sphere – that in our opinion distinguishes the opus of our dedicatee and prompts us to honour him with the present work, happy that we can count ourselves amongst his

friends, colleagues and students.



M U Z I K O L O Ø K I Z B O R N I K • M U S I C O L O G I C A L A N N U A L X L I I I / 1 Prof. dr. Andrej Rijavec, rojen leta 1937, je poleg øtudija glasbene zgodovine na Akademiji za glasbo absolviral øe øtudij germanistike na Filozofski fakulteti, kjer je leta 1964 obranil di- sertacijo z naslovomGlasbeno delo na Slovenskem v obdobju protestantizma.

Kot mednarodno priznan strokovnjak se je prof. dr. Rijavec se je uveljavil æe leta 1967, ko je kot tajnik kongresa Mednarodnega muzikoloøkega druøtva organizacijsko vodil pripravo in izvedbo tega za slovensko muzikologijo nadvse pomembnega dogodka. Øtevilne æive stike z najvidnejøimi sodobnimi muzikologi je ohranjal in navezoval tudi pozneje zlasti na mnogih znanstvenih in strokovnih sreœanjih doma in po svetu, kjer je pomembno prispeval k ugledu slovenske muzikologije. Zlasti je njegov prispevek viden tudi v dolgoletnem urejanju Muzikoloøkega zbornika (1981-1997), ki je prav po njegovi zaslugi postal cenjena mednarodna znanstvena revija, v kateri so objavljali poleg vseh pomembnejøih slovenskih muzikologov tudi øtevilni priznani znanstveniki iz tujine. Prek Muzikoloøkega zbornika je uspel izsledke slovenske muzikologije redno predstavljati tudi øirøi mednarodni javnosti.

Prof. dr. Rijavec je bil zaposlen na Oddelku za muzikologijo praktiœno vse od njegove ustanovitve; sprva kot bibliotekar (od 1962), nato kot asistent (1965), docent (1970), izredni profesor (1975) in od 1981 kot redni profesor za zgodovino slovanske in novejøe svetovne glas- be. Odtlej pa do svoje upokojitve je z dvema krajøima prekinitvama vodil oddelek tudi kot predstojnik (v letih 1981-85, 1988-92 in 1994-96). Ves œas je predano opravljal svoje pedagoøko delo in bil mentor mnogim generacijam dodiplomskih in podiplomskih øtudentov. Med øtudenti je uæival ugled øiroko razgledanega strokovnjaka, ki je znal svoje znanje z izjemno pedagoøko obœutljivostjo in prepriœljivostjo nesebiœno posredovati øtudentom, med kolegi pa je bil cenjen zlasti kot spoøtovan predstojnik, ki je vedno bil hkrati tudi prisrœen in duhovit sogovornik.

Nenazadnje velja omeniti prizadevanje prof. dr. Rijavca za ustanovitev Slovenskega muzikoloøkega druøtva, saj je bil eden glavnih pobudnikov ter eden najbolj zavzetih snovalcev tega druøtva pri nas. Obenem je kot prvi predsednik druøtva utemeljil in v osnovnih potezah zaœrtal njegovo delo tudi v prihodnje. Slovensko muzikoloøko druøtvo mu je v znak priznanja njegovega dela in prispevka k razvoju stroke leta 2002 podelilo kot prvemu Mantuanijevo nagrado za æivljenjsko delo. Poleg tega je bil leta 2004 imenovan za zasluænega profesorja Univerze v Ljubljani.

Muzikoloøko delo prof. Rijavca je raznovrstno, usmerjeno pa predvsem v preuœevanje starejøe in novejøe svetovne (O. von Wolkenstein, G. Tartini, C. Ives, J. Cage) ter slovenske glasbe (L.

F. Schwerdt, F. Gerbiœ, S. Osterc, P. Ramovø, U. Krek, J. Jeæ, M. Stibilj, I. Petriå, D. Boæiœ) z analitiœnih, estetskih in kulturoloøkih vidikov (Notes towards the National and International in Music, International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, Zagreb 1976; The Individual as Composer Past and Present, v: Subjekt v postmodernizmu, Ljubljana 1990; The Sloveneness of Slovene Music, v: Musikwissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft, Regensburg 1991;

Slowenische Wünsche an die 'Musikgeschichte Österreichs', Musicologica Austriaca, München 1993). V knjigiSlovenska glasbena dela(1979), ki øe danes velja za nespregledljivo kljuœno delo pri obravnavanju pretekle in sodobne slovenske glasbe, je obseæneje predstavil øtevilna temelj- na dela slovenske glasbene literature. Sprva se je znanstveno usmeril predvsem v zgodovinsko tematiko, kasneje se je posvetil vpraøanjem novejøe slovenske in svetovne glasbe, pri œemer so ga ob upoøtevanju preteklosti vse bolj zanimali problemi sodobne sistematiœne muzikologije.

Posebej pomembni za slovensko glasbeno kulturo so tudi njegovi øtevilni prevodi zlasti strokovne literature. Pri tem zlasti izstopata prevoda temeljnih glasbeno-estetskih del, DahlhausoveEstetike glasbe ter skupnega dela Dahlhausa in Eggebrechta z naslovomKaj je glasba?



M U Z I K O L O Ø K I Z B O R N I K • M U S I C O L O G I C A L A N N U A L X L I I I / 1 As well as studying music history at the Ljubljana Academy of Music,Prof. Dr Andrej Rijavec (1937) also graduated from the Germanic Studies Department of the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, where in 1964 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, entitledThe Musical Work in Slovenia in the Era of Protestantism.

Prof. Dr Rijavec distinguished himself as an internationally recognised expert as early as 1967, when, as the Secretary of the Congress of the International Musicology Society, he led the organisation and preparation for this important event for Slovenian musicology. Later, he main- tained and established numerous contacts with some of the most prominent musicologists of our time, above all through manifold scientific and specialist meetings both at home and abroad, where he made an important contribution to the reputation of Slovenian musicology.

He also made a significant contribution as the longstanding editor of theMuzikoloøki zbornik (Musicological Anthology) (1981-1997), which, largely due to his involvement, became an inter- nationally valued scientific review, in which contributions by leading Slovenian musicologists were supplemented by articles by numerous celebrated foreign academics. In addition to the Muzikoloøki zbornik, he succeeded in regularly presenting the findings of Slovenian musicolo- gists to a broader international audience.

Prof. Dr Rijavec was employed at the Musicology Department of the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts practically from its establishment; first as a librarian (from 1962), then as an assistant (1965), a senior lecturer (1970), a professor (1975) and, since 1981, as Professor of the History of Slavonic and New World Music. From 1981 to his retirement, with only two short breaks, he also served as the department’s head and chairman (1981-85, 1988-92 and 1994-96). Throughout this time, he undertook his pedagogical work with dedication and served as the mentor for many gen- erations of undergraduate and post graduate students. Amongst his students, he enjoyed the reputation of a broad-minded professional, who knew how to pass on his knowledge to his students with an extraordinary pedagogical sensitivity, convincingly and unselfishly focusing on the students. His colleagues valued him above all as a respected chairman, who was at the same time always a kind and witty interlocutor.

It is also worth mentioning Prof. Dr Rijavec’s efforts to found the Slovenian Musicological Society, as he was one of the main initiators of this society in Slovenia, and amongst those who most enthusiastically gave it its final shape. As the first president of the society, he also estab- lished the basis for its operation and planned the broad outlines of its future work. In recog- nition of his work and his contribution to the development of the profession, in 2002, the Slovenian Musicological Society awarded Prof. Dr Rijavec the first Mantuani Prize for his life work. In 2004, he was also named a Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana.

The musicological work of Prof. Dr Rijavec is diverse, but deals above all with old and new world music (O. von Wolkenstein, G. Tartini, C. Ives, J. Cage) and Slovenian music (L. F.

Schwerdt, F. Gerbiœ, S. Osterc, P. Ramovø, U. Krek, J. Jeæ, M. Stibilj, I. Petriå, D. Boæiœ), from the analytical, aesthetic and cultural points of view (Notes Towards the National and International in Music, International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, Zagreb 1976;The Individual as Composer Past and Present, in: Subjekt v postmodernizmu (The Subject in Postmodernism), Ljubljana 1990;The Sloveneness of Slovene Music, in: Musikwissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft, Regensburg 1991; Slowenische Wünsche an die 'Musikgeschichte Österre- ichs', Musicologica Austriaca, Munich 1993). In his book,Slovenska glasbena dela(Slovenian Musical Works) (1979), which today is regarded as an indispensable work dealing with Slovenian music of the past and present, he undertakes an extensive presentation of a number of canonical works of the Slovenian musical literature. Prof. Dr Rijavec’s research was first ori- ented mainly towards historical themes, but later he turned his attention to the question of new


Slovenian and world music. By taking into account the past in treating new music, he became ever more interested in the problems of contemporary systematic musicology.

Of special significance for Slovenian musical culture have been his numerous translations, par- ticularly of specialist literature. Amongst these, two musical-aesthetic works of exceptional importance are his translations of Dahlhaus’sAesthetics of Musicand the book by Dahlhaus and Eggebrecht, entitledWhat is Music?

M U Z I K O L O Ø K I Z B O R N I K • M U S I C O L O G I C A L A N N U A L X L I I I / 1




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Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za muzikologijo, 1989.. Marija Bergamo: Slovenski izdaji na

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