These activities will be complemented by the exhibition at the Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum of Piran, which will present the Slovenian seafarers in East Asia and “their role in discovering Japan” in the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the project is to introduce the Slovenian public to various aspects of Japanese society and multicultural relations.
Thursday, June 1, 2017, 5:00 p.m., at the National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova Iztok Ilc: Presentation of the novel Samurai (Shūsaku Endō). Thursday, June 8, 2017, 5:00 p.m., at the National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova Luka Culiberg: The Unexplored Path of the Samurai – The Myth Behind the Warrior's Code.
By folding paper, we will make Japanese swords, helmets (kabuto) and flying knives (shuriken), as well as figures of fighters, horses and riders. Saturday, June 17, 2017, at 7 p.m., National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova Igor Cvetko, Jelena Sitar: I watch, I work, I tell a story - Kamišibaj workshop. The workshop will first contain some demonstrations of the kamishibai play and a detailed presentation of kamishibai as a specific and interesting theater form.
We are going to make a small wooden stage - which is so easy to make at home.
GORAZD VILHAR: IN THE SPIRIT OF JAPANESE TRADITION – MATSURI – TRADITIONAL JAPANESE FESTIVALS Guest Photo Exhibition. For Vilhar, detail, more than the entire depiction of an event, is of the utmost importance. His images are iconographic documents of Japanese tradition, culture and religion, simultaneously resonating with the nostalgia of the Japanese soul's desire for ritualistic communication with the gods - the Japanese way of life, as well as reminders of the importance of preserving tradition in every aspect.
As the 110th official representative of the Urasenke tea school outside of Japan, he strives to spread knowledge and understanding of the tea method (chadō) through regular practice and demonstrations. Klara Hrvatin: "In the skin of a Nō actor" - What do Nō theater and Sumō Wrestling have in common. One of the essential aesthetic concepts that, according to Zeami, all nō games should create is yūgen, or "that which is hidden / lies beneath the surface".
In the first part of the workshop, visual material is used to introduce the figures from Japanese folklore called yōkai and tsukumogami. Finally, the new tsukumogami introduces himself to the others in the group, and they all gather at the "ghost night parade". Eva Mizerit: Japanese Storytelling: Creating Japanese Emakimono Scrolls In the first part of the workshop, participants learn about the characteristics of Japanese hand scrolls.
Among the items that speak to the lifestyle and culture of Navy and Merchant Marine sailors are photographs and postcards brought back by sailors in the 19th and 20th centuries from their travels around the world, including Asia. Since the mid-19th century, when ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy and Merchant Marine increasingly sailed to East Asia, sailors from ethnic Slovenian territory served on board. OPENING AS PART OF THE SUMMER NIGHT MUSEUM EVENT Saturday, June 17, 2017, 9 p.m., in the park of the Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum in Piran.
He managed to compose instrumental pieces without lyrics, which were previously considered the main part of music. THE WORKSHOPS ARE PART OF THE SUMMER NIGHT MUSEUM EVENT Saturday, June 17, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum Park of Piran Hyeonsook Ryu: Make your own stamp of Korean alphabet art. No previous knowledge of the Korean alphabet is required to participate in the workshop.
Through singing, you will be able to experience the rhyme, rhythm and melody of the Japanese language. In the second half of the 20th century, taiko group performances began to develop. In the second part of the workshop, attendees can try the taiko drum and some other traditional Japanese instruments.
Galerija Vžigalica je del Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane in v tem pogledu nas zanimajo predvsem manjši razstavni projekti, ki jih ima Galerija Vžigalica. Galerijo Match, ki je del Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane, zanima predvsem Umetniki: Miyuki Nishizawa, Yūhei Takada, Poppy Nakadoi, Naoki Sasayama, Kei Karitani, Aya Iida, Toshi Nishida,.
This joint exhibition by an artistic group from and around Osaka offers insight into the activities of the art scene around Shimbunonna's gallery. The exhibition will reveal the organization and survival strategies of artists who lead a 'double life'. Avant-garde performative art expression does not have much public support in our practical and technologically oriented society that isolates artistic expressions or remains ignorant, highlighting the uncertainty of critically reflecting on society. Umetniki: Miyuki Nishizawa, Yūhei Takada, Poppy Nakadoi, Naoki Sasayama, Kei Karitani, Aya Iida, Toshi Nishida.
This exhibition will showcase the works of the art group around the internationally renowned artist Shimbunonna and the gallery and bar of the same name in Osaka. In addition, the exhibition will comment on the performances of self-organized art unions from the generation of famous artists such as Shōzō Shimamoto and Miyuki Nishizawa, along with others who provided good. The exhibition is part of the Indigo Festival (, a new festival platform that brings together contemporary trends in art and aims to connect cultural and scientific institutions from the quarter around Križevniška Street, the French Revolution. Lady Nishizawa Square.
The Museum of Slovenian Film Actors in Divača (MSFI) is also part of the museum department. The program department is guided by the need to think about film outside the restrictive demands of the market, tastes and expectations. We recognize in this principle a great privilege, based on the respect of film - as medium, as historical record, as art, as popular culture, and as one of the youngest and most complex forms of human expression.
In May and June 2017, Kinema-teka Slovene will show a series of films entitled Soul of the Samurai. We selected a handful of films from our archive - they differ in their years of production and in their different geographical origins, but each of them, in its own way, evokes the "soul of the samurai". The film program "Spirit of the Samurai", which will accompany the Slovenian National Museum's exhibition "The Way of the Samurai", was curated by Igor Kernel.
We'll open the program on Thursday 18 May at 8pm with Akira Kurosawa's epic classic Ran (1985), which is considered one of the greatest films of all time. The cycle will continue with The Twilight Samurai (2002), a modern samurai classic by Yôji Yamada, Takeshi Kitano's adaptation of the blind sword story Zatōichi (2003), and The Last Samurai (2003) by Edward Zwick. We'll also look for the spirit of the samurai in The Karate Kid (1984) and Quentin Tarantino's postmodern "double bill," Kill Bill: Vol.
Kinodvor's Mobile Cinema has all the necessary technical equipment to show films almost anywhere. The most prominent projects are the Film Under the Stars open-air theater at Ljubljana Castle, Congress Square open-air theater and at "Kinodvorišče" in the cinema's courtyard. In addition to the opportunity to spend quality free time, Kinodvor offers events that provide cultural (film) education for all age groups, and an accompanying arts program that connects film with the wider world of visual arts (gallery) and literature (there is a bookstore specializing in film publications).
At the end of August and the beginning of September, Kinodvor joins the project Japan in our Midde. Through the retrospective The Spirit of the Samurai, we will pay tribute to the genre of samurai cinema, including legendary classics, as well as modern film adaptations and films made in "the spirit of the samurai". All film prints were, especially for this event, temporarily imported into Slovenia.
In an effort to expand and promote Japanese culture in Slovenia today, we are with the cooperation of the Embassy of Japan in Slovenia, which was originally known for the conceptualization and organization of the already sixth traditional event "Day of Japan ", which annu- ally attracts several thousand visitors. Očetiv razvatve GORAZD VILHAR: V DUHU JAPONSKE TRADICIJE – MATSURI – TRADICIONALNI JAPONSKI FESTIVALI // Opening of the exhibition GORAZD VILHAR: IN THE SPIRIT OF JAPANESE TRADITION – MATSURI – TRADITION. We will also look for the spirit of the samurai in the movie The Karate Kid (1984) and in Quentin Tarantino's postmodern 'double bill' Kill Bill: Vol.
Odprtje razstave PTHES SAMURAI – JAPONSKO OROŽJE IN BORILNA KULTURA V SLOVENIJI // Otvoritev razstave IZKUŠNJE SAMURAJEV – JAPONSKO OROŽJE IN BORILNA KULTURA V SLOVENIJI. Luke Culiberg: Uncharted Path of the Samurai – The Myth Behind the Warrior Code // The Uncharted Path of the Samurai – The Myth Behind the Warrior Code. NEZNANI DALJNI VZHOD // Otvoritev razstave ONAJ MORJA NA NEZNANEM DALJNEM VZHODU.
Dan borilnih veščin // Predstavitev Tokuhisa Takashi Karate Dōjō – Demonstracija karateja // Predstavitev Tokuhisa Takashi Karate Dōjō – Demonstracija karateja Športni klub Shubukan: Pot meča – predstavitev borilnih veščin japonskega kendōsmanship in iaidō / / The Way of the Sword: A Presentation of Kendō and Iaidō – Two Arts of Japanese Sabbighting Shodokan Dōjō: Presentation of the martial art Aikidō // A Presentation of the martial art Aikidō Samo Stanič, Dejan Žontar, William M. Bodiford, William M. Bodiford, Takamune Kawashima: Predstavitev tradicionalnih borilnih veščin Kashima-Shinryū // Predstavitev tradicionalnih borilnih veščin Kashima-Shinryū. Noriaki Sangawa: O konceptih izvirnika in kopije v japonski umetnosti.
Programska knjižica Programme Book