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Dostoevsky's life and work in contemporary visual depictions

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5. Dostoevsky's life and work in contemporary visual depictions

Dostoevsky was widely read throughout the world, and a particular example of the interest shown in him in many foreign couintries is to be found in Japan, where several Japanese adaptations of his works to the native Japanese culture were published, including some comic cartoons.

A Japanese comic publication, manga, was even created in 1953, based on Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (Figure 13). Its author was a Japanese so-called »Godfather of manga«, Osamu Tezuka (1928–89). In 2000, these comics were translated into Russian and exposed in the Dostoevsky's museum in St Petersburg [33].


Figure 13. Osamu Tezuka: Crime and Punishment (1953) [33]

Also in America there are a few comics based on Crime and Punishment. In one of them (from the year 2009) (Figure 14), Raskolnikov is transformed into Batman [34].

Figure 14. Dostoevsky Comics — Crime and Punishment (2009) Artist: Robert Sikoryak [34]

In February 2016, an unusual exhibition was set up in the Museum of Dostoevsky Literature in Omsk. The artists who painted the works on display, showing portraits of Dostoevsky and views of the old city of Omsk, were today's prisoners in Omsk, accused of serious crimes. The exhibitions also contained models of the buildings of the forced labour camp in which

Dostoevsky was a prisoner from 1849 to 1853. This event, organized under a leitmotiv of the famous quote from Dostoevsky's Idiot: »Beauty will save the world« celebrated the 195th anniversary of Dostoevsky's birth and the three-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city of Omsk [35].

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