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f ü r W i s s e n s c h a f t u n d , P r a x i s d e r s o z i a l e n A r b e i t A r c h s o z A r b

Vierteljahreshefte zur Förderung von Sozial-, Jugend- und Gesundheitshilfe

Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. Teresa Bock Rektoratsstraße 46, 4060 Viersen 1 im Auftrag

des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche und private Fürsorge

und des Instituts für Gemeinwohl GmbH beide in Frankfurt/Main.


Walter Schellhorn, Dr. Margarete Heinz Am Stockborn 1-3, 6000 Frankfurt/Main Frankfurt/Main • 18. Jahrgang • Nr. 1/1987

Inhalt Seite Soziale Isolierung bei erwerbslosen Menschen

und Ansätze psychosozialer Intervention PD Dr. Günter F. Müller, Oldenburg

und Dr. Heinz-Herbert Noll, Edingen 3 Vom Ende einer Hoffnung. Zur Zukunft

präventiver Handlungskonzepte in der Jugendhilfe

Dr. Norbert Herriger, Langenfeld 16 Berichte

Therapie-Erlolge bei Psychosomatikem.

Eine katamnestische Studie

Professor Dr. Irmgard Rode, Köln 27 Buchbesprechungen 36


Interventive Interviewing: Part I. Strategizing as a Fourth Guideline for the Therapist

Karl Tomm 3

The Problem of Gender in Family Therapy Theory

Rachel T. Hare-Mustin 15 Discussions

Response to " T h e Problem of Gender in Family Therapy Theory"

E. H. A u e r s w a l d 2 9 Rejoinder: Theory and Transformation

Rachel T. Hare-Mustin 3 2

The Cybernetics of Physical Illness

Barry Dym 3 5

Family Interaction Coding Systems: A Descriptive Review

Harold D. Grotevant and Cindy I. Carlson 4 9

Communication Deviances: A Comparison between Parents of Learning Disabled and Normally Achieving Students

Patricia Oitton, Robert Jay Green, and Margaret Thaler Singer 7 5

Researching Ethnic Family Stereotypes

Monica McGoldrick and Michael Rohrbaugh 8 9

When Is a Parent Out of the Picture? Different Custody. Different Perceptions

Maria Beth Isaacs, George H. Leon, and Marsha Kline 101

Couples at Risk for Transmission of Alcoholism: Protective Influences Linda A. Bennett, Steven J. Wolin, David Reiss, and Martha A.

Teitelbaum 111

Families of Adolescent Drug Abusers Are " R i g i d " : Are These Families Either

" D i s e n g a g e d " or " E n m e s h e d , " or Both?

Alfred S. Friedman 1 3 1


EVALUATIO N REVIE W A JOURNA L O F APPLIE D SOCIA L RESEARC H Volume 10. Number 5 October 1986 Thi s issu e i s devote d to : MICROCOMPUTER S AN D EVALUATIO N RESEARC H Special issue editor: Stuar t S . Nage l CONTENT S A n Overvie w o f Microcompute n mo d Evaluatio n Researc h STUAR T S . NAGE L 56 3 Softwar e t o Ai d i n Makin g Decision s Computer-Assiste d Approache s t o Multiattribut e Decisio n Malcin e BENJAMI N RADCLIF F 57 8 Decisio n Suppor t System s an d Publi c Polic y Analysi s OWE N P . HALL , Jr . 59 4 Softwar e fo r Establishin g Relation s Compute r Simulatio n fo r Protra m Evaluatio n WILLIA M M.K . TROCHI M an d JAME S E . DAVI S 60 9 Microcomputer s an d Improvin g Socia l Scienc e Predictio n STUAR T S . NAGE L 63 5 Softwar e fo r Gatherin g Informatio n Telecommunication s System s an d Evaluatio n Research :


SocNe t and PoliNe t as


FRAN K M . HOWELL , MICHAE L L . VASU , an d ELLE N S . VAS U 66 1 Microcompute r Dat a Bas e Profram s i n Socia l Researc h C. N HA L TAT E 68 2 Hardware , Offic e Management , an d Evaluatio n Researc h Microcompute r Workstation s fo r Evaluatio n Researc h ROBER T C . BROOKSHIR E 69 4

Journal of Social Policy VOLU.HIM 6 PART 1 JANUARY 1987 TABUT OF CONTENTS


MICHAEL O'HIGGINS: Egalitarians, Equalities and Welfare Evaluation 1

RO B WATTS : Famil y allowance s i n Canad a an d Auslrali a 1940-1945 : A comparativ e critica l cas e stud y 1 9 GIL L JONES : Leavin g th e Parenta l Home : A n Analysi s o f Earl y Housin g Career s 4 9

JO CAMPLING: Social Administration Digest 75


P. Bean, J. Ferri» and D. Whynes (eds): In Defence t,j Welfare (R. Mishra) 97 P. Wildini (ed.): M Defence of the Welfare Slaie (R. Mishra) 97 J. Packman, J. Randall and N. Jacques: H'lw Needs Care? Sodal IVurk Dedsiuns About Children (N. Parlon) _ 100 P. Malpa» (ed.): The Housing Crisis (D. Clapham) 102 P. Booth and T. Crook (eds): Low Cost Home Ownership (D. Clapham) 102 V. Karn, J. Kcmeny and P. Williams: Home Ownership in the Inner City (R. Forrcsl) 104 A. Walker: Housing Taxation: Owner-Occupation and the Reform of Housing FinanceiV/. Barnes) 106 H. Nowotny and J. Lambiri-Dimaki (eds.): The Difficult Dialogue between Producers and Users of Social Science Research (P. Thomas) 107 N. Ueakin (ed.): Policy Change in Goiernment: Three Case Studies (J. EdwarJ.s) 108 T. Lynes: Paying for Pensions: the French Experience (R. Disney) 110 D. Logan: The Birlh of a Pension Scheme: A History of the Uniier.sities Superannuation Scheme

(D . Groves ) 11 1

A. AlaszewskI: Institutional Care and the Mentally Handicapped: The Mental Handicap Hospital (A.Davis) 113 J. Sacks: Wealth and Poverty: A Jewish analysis (J. Webber) 113 A. Flew: The Philosophy of Poverty (P. Wilding) 115 I. Hexham: The Bible, Justice and the Culture of Poverty (P Wilding) 115 J. Sadowsky: The Christian Response to Poverty (P. Wilding) 115 J. Okelaar and M. Maclean: Maintenance after Divorce (J. Burgoyne) 116 T. Kalhwell and D. Phillips (eds): Health, Race and Ethnicity (A. McNaughl) IIS M. Bulmer: Neighbours: The Work of Philip Abrams (M. J, Baylcy) 120 R. E. Goodin: Protecting the Vulnerable: A Reanalysis of Our Social ResponsthiUties (A. Wcale) 122


Internationa l Socia l Wor k Volum e 3 0 Numbe r 1 Januar y 198 7 Editoria l 3 Internationa l perspective s A networ k o f network s H. Philip Hepworth 5 Abstracts , resumes , resümene s 1 1 Article s A welfar e stat e agains t th e economi c current : Swede n an d th e Unite d State s a s contrastin g case s Sidney E. Zimbalisl 15 Wester n an d Chines e idea s o f socia l welfar e Nelson W.S. Chow 3 1 Th e menta l healt h o f rura l women : a n internationa l analysi s Janice Wood Wetze! 4 3 Alternativ e form s o f car e fo r unaccompanie d refuge e minors : a compariso n o f U S an d Australia n experienc e Diane Zulfacar 6 1 Dominan t image s o f socia l work : a Britis h compariso n o f genera l practitioner s wit h an d withou t attachmen t scheme s M. G. Sheppard 7 7 Boo k review s 9 1

CONTENT S ARTICLE S Facilitatin g Th e Acquisitio n o f Problem-Solvin g Skills : A Guid e Fo r Leader s o f Children' s Group s B y Steve n R . Ros e 1 Adolescen t Stres s an d Suicide : Interventio n an d Preventio n Fo r School s B y Donal d K . Sykes , J r 1 0 Helpin g Adolescent s Tak e A Close r Look : A Developmenta l Educatio n Grou p Usin g Psychodramatl c Model s B y Susa n Carlso n 1 6 Developmen t o f Therapeuti c Allianc e I n School s B y Kevi n Blai r 3 0 BOO K REVIEW S Livin g Wit h A Brothe r o r Siste r Wit h Specia l Need s B y Donal d Meyer , Patrici a Vadasy , an d Rebecc a Fewel l Reviewe d b y Paul a Recchi a Nav e 3 9 Th e Youn g Chil d Wit h Dow n Syndro m Edite d b y Siegfrie d M . Peuschel , M.D. , M.P.H . Reviewe d b y Mar y P . Allmar t 4 0

SCHOO L SOCIA L WOR K JOURNA L Vol . X I No . 1 Fall , 198 6


Article s 45! Socia l Casewor k an d th e Multimoda l Treatmen t o f Inces t John W. Taylor 460 Famil y Options : A Practice/Researc h Mode l i n Famil y Violenc e Richard K. Caputo and Francis M. Moynihan 466 Mai n Stree t Revisited : Social Wor k Practic e i n Rura l Area s Gretchen H. Waltman 475 Marita l Therap y wit h Olde r Couple s Mary Ann Wolinsky 484 Unplanne d Pregnanc y i n Youn g Women : Managin g Treatmen t Peter Barnett and Deborah W. Balak 490 Helpin g Famil y Member s Cop e wit h a Senil e Relativ e Margot Marples 499 Grie f Work : Preventio n an d Interventio n Gwen Schwartz-Borden 506 Editorial Note s FS A Celebrate s Seventy-fiv e Year s o f Servic e 507 Comment s fro m Reader s 509 Boo k Review s

COMPETENT SUPERVISION: MAKING IMAGINATIVE JUDGMENTS, by Ruth R. Middleman and Gary B. Rhodes; AN INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK SUPERVISION, by Carlton E. Munson; and SUPERVISION: A DECISION-MAKING APPROACH, by Eileen Gambill and Theodore J. Stein. Reviewed by Shirley C. HeUenhrand. SERVING THE PEOPLE: SOCIAL SERVICES AND SOCIAL CHANGE, by Ann W ithom. Reviewed by Donald V. Fandeiti.

Article s 515 Evaluatio n o f a n India n Studen t Placemen t Progra m Bruce A. Chadwick, Stan L. Albrecht, and Howard M. Bahr 525 Socia l Wor k Assessment : Rout e t o Clienthood—Par t I Harry Specht and Riva Specht 533 Worl d Vie w Difference s Betwee n Client s an d Counselor s Jean E. Latting and Claudia Zundel 542 Th e Emergen t Natur e o f Ethnicity : Dilemma s i n Assessmen t Donald E. Gelfand and Donald V. Fandetti 551 Th e Philosophica l Contex t o f a Healt h Mode l o f Socia l Wor k Ann Weick 560 Th e Searc h i n Adoption : A Servic e an d a Proces s Patricia J. Auth and Shirley Zaret 569 Boo k Review s

ADULT PSYCHOPATHOLbOY: A SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTTVE, edited by Franci Turner. Reviewed by Eda C. Goldstein. CLINICAL HANDBOOK OF DEPRESSION, by Janice Wood Wetzel. Reviewed by Sophie Freud Loewenstein. HANDBOOK ON THE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES, edited by Erdman B. Palmore Reviewed by Brenda Crawley, THE LIFE-THREATENED ELDERLY, edited by Margot Tallmer, Elizabeth R. PritchanJ Austin H. Kutscher. Robert DeBellis. Mahlon S. Hale, and Ivan K. Goldberg. THE OLDE APHASIC PERSON, by Celia R. Hooper and Ruth E. Dunkle. Reviewed by Gary B. Seltzer. SERVING OLDER ADULTS: POLICY. PROGRAMS, AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, by Andrew W. Dobelstein and Ann B. Johnson. SOCIAL SERVICES FO THE ELDERLY, by Elizabeth D. Huliman. Reviewed by Ann Burack-Wtiss. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY. 3rd ed., by Irvin D Yalom. Reviewed by Paul H. Ephross. CASE MANAGEMENT IN HUMAN SERVICE PRACTICE, by Marie Weil, James M Karls, and associales. Reviewed by John Melichtrdk.

576 Personne l Vacancie s


Article s 579 Childhoo d Socia l Suppor t Deficit s o f Alcoholi c Wome n Rebecca Schilit 587 Socia l Wor k Assessment : Rout e t o Clienthood-Par t I I Harry Specht and Riva Specht 594 Promotin g Acces s t o Acces s wit h Divorcin g Parent s Peg McCartt Hess 605 Technologicall y Mediate d Therapy : A Critiqu e John W. Murphy and John T. Pardeck 613 Framewor k fo r Comparin g Approache s t o Famil y Therap y Kinly Sturkie 622 New s an d View s Grou p Counselin g fo r Ange r an d Stres s Sally C. Diodato, Barbara P. Pancoast, and Marcia A. Frey 625 Boo k Review s

AN INTRODUCTION TO GROUP WORK PRACTICE, by Ronald W. Tc.sclami and RoK-il F. Rivas. Reviewed by Francis J. Peirce. PRACTICE FOCUSED RESEARCH, by Gerald T. Powers, Thomas M. Mcenajhan. and Beverly G. Toomey. Reviewed by Mary R. L^wis. THE MALE BATTERER: A TREATMENT APPROACH, by Daniel Jay Sonkin, Del .M,nlin, and Lenore E. A. Walker. Reviewed by Jeffi-ey L. Edieson.

628 Inde x 640 Personne l Vacancie s

Article s 67 Father-So n Incest : Usin g th e Literatur e t o Guid e Practic e Lois H. Pierce 75 Indicator s o f Chil d Sexua l Abus e i n Male s John Sebald 81 Treatmen t fo r Adul t Mal e Victim s o f Childhoo d Sexua l Abus e Debra F. Bruckner and Peter E. Johnson 88 Famil y Therap y i n Father-So n Incest : A Cas e Stud y Judith Halpern 94 Symbioti c Mother-Daughte r Relationship s i n Inces t Familie s Kathleen Koch and Carolynne Jarvis 102 Grou p Treatmen t fo r Sexuall y Abuse d Girl s Catherine K. Gagliano 109 Initia l Reaction s o f Sexuall y Abuse d Childre n Mary Ellen Elwell and Paul H. Ephross 117 Videotapin g th e Chil d Sexual-Abu.s e Victi m Ira Colby and Deborah Colby 122 New s an d View s Chil d Sexua l Abuse : Treatmen t fo r th e Otfendc r Edith Fein and Girrie V. Bishop J25 Foru m Whe n Helpin g Hurts : Di)ubl e .Icop.iixl y to r


Victim s Barbara A. Pine 125 Editoria l Note s Thi s Specia l Issu e 128 Personne l Vacancie s




analYsis oF the concept oF FamilY centres and selected cases oF best practice For implementation in slovenia The article presents the concept and characteristics of family

A CHAllENgE FoR SoCIAl WoRK IN tHE FutuRE Problem drinking of older people is a challenge for social work in general and for gerontological social work in particular,

Vera Grebenc, PhD, is a research fellow at the Centre for Drugs and Dependency Research and an assistant for Social Work at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Social

Maja Klun is a graduate from the Faculty for Social Work, University of Ljubljana, and a member of the research group dealing with social parenthood as the crucial aspect of

The most important themes of antiracist social work are: sensitivity and respect for cultural differences and value systems (which does not include tolerance for family vio-..

KAVČIČ ( 2 0 0 0 ) , Analysis of Social Service Provision and Standards in Slovenia: Phare Support to the Republic of Slovenia: Enhancement of the Family Support and Social

Vesna Šiplič and Darja Kadiš are social workers and students of the postgraduate specialisation pro- gramme "Management in social work" at the University of Ljubljana School

fože Ramovš, anthropologist and social worker, is Principal of the Anton Trstenjak Institute and Associate Professor at University of Ljubljana School of Social Work.. Emlet,