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Academic year: 2022

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Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2015 1 The Dynamic Relationships Management Jour-

nal (DRMJ) is finishing the fourth year of existence and slowly passes from the stage of incubation to the active phase, in which it is becoming more visi- ble, systemic and global. During this period, it slowly acquired a more mature image, clearer operational guidelines, settled process of preparing papers for publication and wider international recognition. The information about its existence was forwarded to thousands addresses worldwide through various channels of communication by the close coopera- tion of the entire editorial board. Among many mag- azines in the field of management DRMJ Journal is slowly gaining its place with a clear focus on theo- retical and practical perspectives on (dynamic) rela- tionships management and related organizational themes: interactions and relationships between members of social units/entities, which assure the existence and development of different types of so- cial units.

A major milestone in this development was achieved with the inclusion of journals in different databases, attesting its maturity and quality and ranking the DRMJ Journal within major magazines, both locally and globally. Already in the second year of publication, with its on-line version, it has been indexed with and included in Google Scholar. This database provides a way to broadly search for schol- arly literature (articles, theses, books…) across many disciplines and sources, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universi- ties and other web sites (https://scholar.google.


In the third year of publishing the DRMJ Journal was indexed with and included in Ulrichsweb, which is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types (https://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.

com/). In that period happened very important step for Scandinavian researchers and scholars, as we

managed to include the DRMJ Journal in Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD), which is one of the largest archives for research data of its kind and provides data to researchers and students in Norway and abroad (http://www.nsd.uib.no/nsd/english/

index.html ).

From the first issue this year each article in DRMJ has been signed with its own Digital Object Identifier (DOI) name, while the publisher has be- come a member of CrossReforganization.

The last important turning point happened dur- ing this summer. We are very proud that the DRMJ Journal is now being indexed with and included in DOAJ databaseand is being under the final step at indexing process with J-Gate database. DOAJ (The Di- rectory of Open Access Journals) is a white list of open access journals and aims to be the starting point for all information searches for quality, peer re- viewed open access material. Being included in DOAJ also increase the visibility and ease of use of articles and also the DRMJ Journal as a whole. The DOAJ aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access sci- entific and scholarly journals that use a quality con- trol system to guarantee the content. In short, the DOAJ aims to be the one-stop shop for users of open access journals (https://doaj.org/about ). J-Gate, on the other site, is an important electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. Launched by Informatics India Limited, J-Gate provides seamless access to mil- lions of journal articles available online offered by many publishers (http://jgateplus.com/search/


Further development of the DRMJ Journal goes in the direction of indexing in Scopusand IBSS data- bases, where the DRMJ Journal is already in the process of inclusion. Inclusion in these databases will make the DRMJ Journal even more internation- ally recognized, so it will greatly expand readership and in particular it will increase the interest of au-


JOŽE KROPIVŠEK University of Ljubljana


2 Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2015 thors from around the world to publish their high-

quality scientific articles in the DRMJ Journal.

I believe I will write about it in near future.

Jože Kropivšek Editor-in-Chief


Revija “Dynamic Relationships Management Journal” (DRMJ) zaključuje četrto leto obstoja in počasi prehaja iz faze inkubacije v aktivnejšo fazo, v kateri postaja bolj prepoznavna, sistemska in globalna. V tem obdobju je počasi pridobivala zrelejšo podobo, bolj jasne smernice delovanja, utečen postopek priprave člankov za objavo in mednarodno odmevnost. Skozi različne komu- nikacijske kanale je bila ob tesnem sodelovanju celotnega uredniškega odbora informacija o njenem obstoju posredovana na več tisoč naslovov širom po svetu. Med številnimi revijami s področja managementa revija DRMJ počasi pridobiva svoje mesto z jasno osredotoče nostjo na teoretične in praktične vidike managementa (dinamičnih) razmerij in z njim povezanih organizacijskih področij, pri čemer ravno interakcije in razmerja med člani socialnih enot zagotavljajo obstoj in razvoj različnih tipov teh socialnih enot.

Glavni mejnik v tem razvoju pa je bil dosežen z vključitvijo revije v različne baze, ki potrjujejo njeno zrelost in kakovost ter jo umeščajo med pomembnejše revije, tako na lokalni ravni kot globalno. Že v drugem letu izhajanja, ko je tiskana revija dobila tudi spletno (on-line) različico, je bila vključena v »Google Scholar« bazo. Ta baza omogoča široko brskanje po znanstveni in strokov - ni literaturi (članki, knjige, diplomske naloge…) z različnih področij in virov, tako akademskih založ - nikov, strokovnih združenj, on-line zbirk, univerz in drugih spletnih strani (https://scholar.google.com/


V tretjem letu izhajanja je bila revija DRMJ vključena v bazo založnikov »Ulrichsweb«, ki je omogoča enostavno iskanje in je pomemben vir podrobnih informacij o več kot 300.000 revij oz.

serijskih publikacij različnih tipov (https://ulrich

sweb.serialssolutions.com/). Za skandinavske raz - iskovalce in znanstvenike je v tem obdobju bila pomembna vključitev revije v »Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)«, ki zajema obsežne podatke o publikacijah zanimivih za raziskovalce in študente na Norveškem in tudi drugod po svetu (http://www.nsd.uib.no/nsd/english/index.html).

V začetku letošnjega leta je izdajatelj, Društvo Slovenska akademija za management, postal član Crossreforganizacije. Vsak članek je tako opreml- jen z enolično DOI (Digital Object Identifier) oz- nako, ki omogoča enostavnejšo iskanje in citiranje člankov v drugih revijah. To zelo poveča prepoz- navnost revije.

Zadnja pomembna prelomnica za revijo pa se je zgodila letos poleti. Zelo smo ponosni, da je re- vija vključena v zelo obsežno in mednarodno od - mevno bazo DOAJ(The Directory of Open Access Journals) in smo v zaključnih korakih pri vključitvi revije v bazo J-Gate. DOAJ je obsežna zbirka prosto dostopnih (on-line) revij z velikim poudarkom na njihovi kakovosti, ki jo zagotavljajo natančno dolo - čeni recenzijski procesi za članke, objavljene v teh revijah. Z vključitvijo revije v to bazo so članki in tudi celota revija enostavneje dostopni večjemu krogu bralcev, kar je za prepoznavnost revije zelo pomembno (https://doaj.org/about). J-Gate je ravno tako pomembna globalna baza in posrednik do številnih e-revij. Ustanovljena je bila leta 2001 v Indiji. Trenutno nudi dostop do polnih tekstov člankov nekaj desettisoč e-revij (http://jgateplus.


Nadaljnji razvoj gre v smeri indeksacije v zbirki Scopusin IBSS, kjer je revija že v postopku. Vklju - čitev v te baze bo reviji omogočilo še večjo med- narodno prepoznavnost, s čimer bo revija močno razširila krog bralcev, predvsem pa povečala zani- manje avtorjev za objavo kakovostnih znanstvenih člankov v reviji z vsega sveta, kar bo zelo prispevalo k njeni kakovosti. Verjamem, da bom v naslednjih številkah revije lahko o tem napisal že kaj več.

Jože Kropivšek glavni urednik



In the present issue of the “Dynamic Relation- ships Management Journal” you will find the invita- tion to take part in the “4 th International Conference on Management

Identifying those project success criteria which the project manager has an impact on, was just one aim of the research, the other part of this was about to identify what kind

Such criteria are the success of the managed enterprises (e.g. profitabil- ity, social responsibility) as we claim that it is the ut- most responsibility of managers; the attainment

Within the empirical part, the author conducts research and discusses management within Slovenian enterprises: how much of Slovenian managers’ time is devoted to manage

The research attempts to reveal which type of organisational culture is present within the enterprise, and whether the culture influences successful business performance.. Therefore,

Dynamic Relationships Management Journal (DRMJ) is a new semi-annual academic journal featuring theoretical perspectives and empirical research on relationships management

– Traditional language training education, in which the language of in- struction is Hungarian; instruction of the minority language and litera- ture shall be conducted within

Efforts to curb the Covid-19 pandemic in the border area between Italy and Slovenia (the article focuses on the first wave of the pandemic in spring 2020 and the period until