• Rezultati Niso Bili Najdeni


whereδ/δψ(x00), δ/δΠ(x00) are functional derivatives.

If in eq. (1.171) we put A = ψ and take into account eq. (1.155) with

¯δψ= 0, we obtain


∂τ =− {ψ, H}, (1.173)

µψ=− {ψ, Hµ}. (1.174) Eq.(1.173) is equivalent to the Schr¨odinger equation (1.67).

A generic fieldψ which satisfies the Schr¨odinger equation (1.67) can be written as a superposition of the states with definitepµ:

ψ(τ, x) = Z

dDp c(p) exp [ipµxµ] exp





. (1.175)

Using (1.175) we have H =−Λ

2 Z

dDp(p2−κ2)c(p)c(p), (1.176) Hµ=


dDp pµc(p)c(p). (1.177) On the other hand, from the spacetime stress–energy tensor (1.160) we find the total energy–momentum

Pµ= Z

νTµν. (1.178)

It is not the generator of spacetime translations. Use of Pµ as generator of spacetime translations results in all conceptual and technical complica-tions (including the lack of manifest Lorentz covariance) of the conventional relativistic field theory.


[ψ(τ, x), ψ0, x0)]|τ0 =δ(x−x0), (1.180) and

[ψ(τ, x), ψ(τ0, x0]|τ0 = [ψ(τ, x), ψ0, x0)]|τ0 = 0. (1.181) In momentum space the above commutation relations read

[c(p), c(p0)] =δ(p−p0), (1.182) [c(p), c(p0)] = [c(p), c(p0)] = 0. (1.183) The general commutator (forτ0 6=τ) is:

[ψ(τ, x), ψ0, x0)] = Z

dDp eipµ(xµx)eΛ2(p2κ2)(ττ0). (1.184) The operatorsψ(τ, x) and ψ(τ, x) are creation and annihilation opera-tors, respectively. The vacuum is defined as a state which satisfies

ψ(τ, x)|0i= 0. (1.185) If we act on the vacuum by ψ(τ, x) we obtain a single particle state with definite position:

ψ(τ, x)|0i=|x, τi. (1.186) An arbitrary 1-particle state is a superposition

(1)i= Z

dx f(τ, x)ψ(τ, x)|0i, (1.187) wheref(τ, x) is the wave function.

A 2-particle state with one particle atx1 and another atx2 is obtained by applying the creation operator twice:

ψ(τ, x1(τ, x2)|0i=|x1, x2, τi. (1.188) In general

ψ(τ, x1)...ψ(τ, xn)|0i=|x1, ..., xn, τi, (1.189) and an arbitraryn-particle state is the superposition

(n)i= Z

dx1...dxnf(τ, x1, ..., xn(τ, x1)...ψ(τ, xn)|0i, (1.190)

wheref(τ, x1, ..., xn) is the wave function thenparticles are spread with.

In momentum space the corresponding equations are

c(p)|0i= 0, (1.191)

c(p)|0i=|pi, (1.192) c(p1)...c(pn)|0i=|p1, ..., pni, (1.193)

(n)i= Z

dp1...dpng(τ, p1, ..., pn)c(p1)...c(pn)|0i (1.194) The most general state is a superposition of the states|Ψ(n)iwith definite numbers of particles.

According to the commutation relations (1.180)–(1.183) the states

|x1, ..., xniand |p1, ..., pni satisfy

hx1, ..., xn|x01, ..., x0ni=δ(x1−x01)...δ(xn−x0n), (1.195) hp1, ..., pn|p01, ..., p0ni=δ(p1−p01)...δ(pn−p0n), (1.196) which assures that the norm of an arbitrary state|Ψiis always positive.

We see that the formulation of the unconstrained relativistic quantum field theory goes along the same lines as the well known second quantization of a non-relativistic particle. Instead of the 3-dimensional space we have now a D-dimensional space whose signature is arbitrary. In particular, we may take a 4-dimensional space with Minkowski signature and identify it withspacetime.


The generatorG(τ) defined in (1.168) is now an operator. An infinites-imal change of an arbitrary operatorA is given by the commutator

δA=−i[A, G(τ)], (1.197) which is the quantum analog of eq. (1.171). If we take A = ψ, then eq. (1.197) becomes


∂τ =i[ψ, H], (1.198)


∂xµ =i[ψ, Hµ], (1.199) where

H =


dDxΘ =−Λ 2 Z

dDx(∂µψµψ−κ2ψψ), (1.200) Hµ =


dDµ=−i Z

dDx ψµψ. (1.201) Using the commutation relations (1.179)–(1.181) we find that eq. (1.198) is equivalent to the field equation (1.67) (the Schr¨odinger equation). Eq.

(1.198) is thus the Heisenberg equation for the field operator ψ. We also find that eq. (1.199) gives just the identity∂µψ=∂µψ.

In momentum representation the field operators are expressed in terms of the operatorsc(p), c(p) according to eq. (1.175) and we have

H = −Λ 2


dDp(p2−κ2)c(p)c(p), (1.202) Hµ =


dDp pµc(p)c(p). (1.203) The operator H is the Hamiltonian and it generates the τ-evolution, whereas Hµ is the generator of spacetime translations. In particular, H0 generates translations along the axisx0 and can be either positive or neg-ative definite.


Let us now consider the generatorG(Σ) defined in eq. (1.170) with Tµν

given in eq. (1.160) in which the classical fields ψ,ψ are now replaced by the operatorsψ, ψ. The total energy–momentum Pν of the field is given by the integration ofTµν over a space-like hypersurface:

Pν = Z

µTµν. (1.204)

Instead ofPν defined in (1.204) it is convenient to introduce Peν =


ds Pν, (1.205)

where ds is a distance element along the direction nµ which is orthogonal to the hypersurface element dΣµ. The latter can be written as dΣµ = nµdΣ. Using dsdΣ = dDx and integrating out xµ in (1.205) we find that τ-dependence disappears and we obtain (see Box 1.1)

Peν = Z


2(nµpµ)pν(c(p)c(p) +c(p)c(p)). (1.206)

Box 1.1



















G(Σ) =Rµdτ Tµνδxν

δxµµδs , ξµ a vector along δxµ-direction dΣµ=nµdΣ, nµ a vector along dΣµ-direction

P(n, ξ) =R dΣ dτ Tµνnµξν

integrate over dsand divide bys2−s1

P(n, ξ) = lim


1 s2−s1

Z s2


dΣ dsdτ Tµνnµξν

dΣ ds= dDx

P(n, ξ) = lim

s1,2→−∞, τ1τ2


Z s2



2 (nµpµ)pνξν³c(p)c(p) +c(p)c(p)´ Λ = ∆s∆τ1

p2 when mass is definite

P(n, ξ) = 12R dDp ²(np)pνξν³c(p)c(p) +c(p)c(p)´

When ξν is time-like P(n, ξ) is projection of energy, when ξν is space-likeP(n, ξ) is projection ofmomentum on ξν

From (1.206) we have that the projection ofPeν on a time-like vector nν is always positive, while the projection on a space-like vector Nν can be positive or negative, depending on signs of pµnµ and pµNµ. In a special reference frame in which nν = (1,0,0, ...,0) this means that P0 is always positive, whereasPr,r= 1,2, ..., D−1, can be positive or negative definite.

What is the effect of the generator Peνδxν on a field ψ(τ, x). From (1.197), (1.206) we have

δψ = −i[ψ,Peν]δxν (1.207)

= −i Z

dDpΛ(nµpµ)c(p)exp [ipµxµ] exp



2 (p2−κ2

¸ pνδxν Acting on a Fourier component ofψ with definite pµpµ=M2 the gene-rator Peνδxν gives

δφ=−i[φ,Peν]δxν =−i Z

dDpΛM ²(np)c(p)eipµxµδ(p2−M2)pνδxν

=−∂νφ(+)δxν+∂νφ()δxν, (1.208)

²(np)≡ nµpµ p|p2| =

½ +1, nµpµ>0

−1, nµpµ<0 (1.209) where

φ(x) = Z

−∞dτ eiµτψ(τ, x)

= Z

p0=−∞dDp δ(p2−M2)c(p)eipµxµ

= Z

p0=0dDp δ(p2−M2)c(p)eipµxµ +

Z 0


dDp δ(p2−M2)c(p)eipµxµ

= φ(+)() (1.210)

As in Sec. 1.3. we identifyµ22≡M2.

We see that the action of Peνδxν on φ differs from the action of Hνδxν. The difference is in the step function ²(np). When acting on φ(+) the generator Peνδxν gives the same result as Hνδxν. On the contrary, when acting on φ() it gives the opposite sign. This demonstrates that Peνδxν

does not generate translations and Lorentz transformations in Minkowski space MD. This is a consequence of the fact that P0 is always positive definite.


Let us now consider the case when the field is varied at the boundary, whileδxµand δτ are kept zero. Let the field transform according to

ψ0 =eψ , δψ=iαψ , δψ=−iαψ. (1.211) Eq. (1.156) then reads

δI = I

dτdΣµ µ

−iΛα 2

(∂µψψ−∂µψ ψ) + Z







(1.212) Introducingthe charge density

ρc =−αψψ (1.213)

andthe charge current density jcµ=−iΛα

2 (∂µψψ−∂µψ ψ), (1.214) and assuming that the action is invariant under the phase transformations

(1.211) we obtain from (1.212) the following conservation law:


µjcµ+ d dτ


dDx ρc = 0, (1.215) or


∂τ = 0. (1.216)

In general, when the field has indefinite mass it is localized in spacetime and the surface term in (1.215) vanishes. So we have that the generator

C =− Z

dDx ρc (1.217)

is conserved at allτ-values.

In particular, when ψ has definite mass, then ψψ is independent of τ and the conservation of C is trivial. Since ψ is not localized along a time-like direction the current density jcµ does not vanish at the space-like hypersurface even if taken at infinity. It does vanish, however, at a sufficiently far away time-like hypersurface. Therefore the generator

Q= Z

µjcµ (1.218)

is conserved at all space-like hypersufaces. The quantityQcorresponds to the charge operator of the usual field theory. However, it is not generator of the phase transformations (1.211).

By using the field expansion (1.175) we find C =−α


dDp c(p)c(p). (1.219) From

δψ=−i[ψ, C] (1.220)

and the commutation relations (1.179)–(1.183) we have

δψ=iαψ , δψ=−iαψ, (1.221) δc(p) =iαc(p), δc(p) =−iαc(p), (1.222) which are indeed the phase transformations (1.211). Therefore C is the generator of phase transformations.

On the other hand, from δψ = −i[ψ, Q] we do not obtain the phase transformations. But we obtain from Q something which is very close to the phase transformations, if we proceed as follows. Instead of Q we introduce

Qe = Z

ds Q, (1.223)

where dsis an infinitesimal interval along a time-like direction nµ orthogo-nal to dΣµ=nµdΣ. Using dsdΣ = dDx and integrating out xµ eq. (1.223) becomes

Qe= Z µ

−αΛ 2

dp(pµnµ)(c(p)c(p) +c(p)c(p)). (1.224) The generatorQe then gives

δψ=−i[ψ,Q] =e Z

iαΛdDp(pνnν)c(p)exp [ipµxµ] exp



2 (p2−κ2

¸ . (1.225) For a Fourier component with definitepµpµ we have

δφ=−i[φ,Q] =e Z

dDp iαΛm ²(np)c(p)eipµxµδ(p2−M2)

= iαφ(+)−iαφ() (1.226)

where²(np) andφ(+)() are defined in (1.209) and (1.210), respectively.

Action of operators on states. From the commutation relations (1.180)–

(1.180) one finds that when the operators c(p) and c(p) act on the eigen-states of the operators H, Hµ, Peµ, C, Qe they increase and decrease, re-spectively, the corresponding eigenvalues. For instance, if Hµ|Ψi = pµ|Ψi then

Hµc(p0)|Ψi= (pµ+p0µ)|Ψi, (1.227) Hµc(p0)|Ψi= (pµ−p0µ)|Ψi, (1.228) and similarly for other operators.


Our parametrized field theory is just a straightforward generalization of the non-relativistic field theory in E3. Instead of the 3-dimensional Eu-clidean spaceE3we have now the 4-dimensional Minkowski spaceM4(or its D-dimensional generalization). Mathematically the theories are equivalent (apart from the dimensions and signatures of the corresponding spaces). A good exposition of the unconstrained field theory is given in ref. [35]

A state |Ψni of n identical free particles can be given in terms of the generalized wave packet profiles g(n)(p1, ..., pn) and the generalized state vectors|p1, ..., pni:

ni= Z

dp1...dpng(n)(p1, ..., pn)|p1, ..., pni. (1.229) The action of the operatorsc(p),c(p) on the state vector is the following:

c(p)|p1, ..., pni = 1

√n Xn i=1

δ(p−pi)|p1, ..,ˇpi, .., pni, (1.230) c(p)|p1, ..., pni = √

n+ 1|p, p1, ..., pni. (1.231) The symbolˇpi means that the quantitypi is not present in the expression.


|p1, ..., pni= 1

√n!c(pn)...c(p1)|0i. (1.232) For the product of operators we have

c(p)c(p)|p1, ..., pni= Xn i=1

δ(p−pi)|p1, ..., pni (1.233) The latter operator obviously counts how many there are particles with momentump. Integrating overp we obtain


dDp c(p)c(p)|p1, ..., pni=n|p1, ..., pni. (1.234)

The expectation value of the operator Peµ (see eq. (1.206)) in the state

ni is

h|Ψn|Peµ|Ψi = hΨn| Z


2(nνpν)pµ(2c(p)c(p) +δ(0))|Ψni

= Λ Xn i=1

h(nνpνi)pµii+Λ 2δ(0)


dDp(nνpν)pµ, (1.235) where

h(nνpνi)pµii= Z

dp1...dpng(n)(p1, ..., pn)g(n)(p1, ..., pn)(pνinν)pµi. In particular, the wave packet profile g(n)(p1, ..., pn) can be such that

ni=|p1, ..., pni. Then the expectation value (1.235) becomes hp1, ..., pn|Peµ|p1, ..., pni= Λ

Xn i=1

(nνpνi)pµi +Λ 2δ(0)


dDp(nνpν)pµ. (1.236) The extra term Λ2δ(0)R dDp(nνpν)pµ vanishes for a space-like component ofpµ, but it does not vanish for a time-like component.

So far the momentap1, ..., pn of nidentical particles have not been con-strained to a mass shell. Let us now consider the case where all the momenta p1, ..., pn are constrained to the mass shell, so that pµip =p2i =p2 =M2, i= 1,2, ..., n. From the classical equation of motionpµi = ˙xµi/Λ we have

Λ = dsi



, (1.237)

where dsi =qdxµidx. Now, Λ andτ being the same for all particles we see that ifp2i is the same for all particles also the 4-dimensional speed dsi/dτ is the same. Inserting (1.237) into (1.236) and chosing parametrization such that dsi/dτ = 1 we obtain the following expectation value of Peµ in a state on the mass shell:

hPeµim =hp1, ..., pn|Peµ|p1, ..., pnim = Xn i=1

²(npi)pµi +δ(0) 2


dDp ²(np)pµ. (1.238) Takingnν = (1,0,0, ....,0) we have

hPe0im= Xn i=1

²(p0i)p0i + δ(0) 2


dDp ²(p0)p0, (1.239)

hPerim= Xn i=1

²(p0i)pri , r = 1,2, ..., D−1. (1.240) So far we have considered momenta as continuous. However, if we imag-ine a large box and fix the boundary conditions, then the momenta are discrete. Then in eqs. (1.239), (1.240) particlesi= 1,2, ..., n do not neces-sarily all have different momentapµi. There can benpparticles with a given discrete value of momentump. Eqs. (1.239), (1.240) can then be written in the form

hPe0im = X


(n+p +np +1

2)ωp, (1.241)

hP˜im = X


(n+p +np)p (1.242) Here

ωp ≡ |qp2+M2|=²(p0)p0,

whereas n+p =nωp,p is the number of particles with positive p0 at a given value of momentum andnp =nωp,p . In eq. (1.242) we have used



nωp,pp= X



Instead of δ(0) in eq. (82) we have written 1, since in the case of discrete momentaδ(p−p0) is replaced byδpp0, and δpp= 1.

Equations (1.241), (1.242) are just the same expressions as obtained in the conventional, on shell quantized field theory of a non-Hermitian scalar field. In an analogous way we also find that the expectation value of the electric charge operator Q, when taken on the mass shell, is identical toe that of the conventional field theory.