• Rezultati Niso Bili Najdeni


µ 1

2πiΛ (τ0−τ)




i 2Λ

(x0−x)2 τ0−τ


, (1.75)

whereDis the dimension of spacetime (D= 4 in our case). In performing the above functional integration there is no need for ghosts. The latter are necessary in a constrained theory in order to cancel out the unphysical states related to reparametrizations. There are no unphysical states of such a kind in the unconstrained theory.

In eq. (1.75)K(τ, x;τ0, x0) is the probability amplitude to find the particle in a spacetime pointxµat a value of the evolution parameterτ when it was previously found in the pointx0µ atτ0. The propagator has also the role of the Green’s function satisfying the equation

µ i ∂

∂τ −H

K(τ, x;τ0, x0) =δ(τ−τ0D(x−x0). (1.76) Instead ofK(τ, x;τ0, x0) we can use its Fourier transform

∆(µ, x−x0) = Z

dτ e2ΛτK(τ, x;τ0, x0), (1.77) which is just (1.74) withc(p) = 1,xµandτ being replaced byxµ−x0µ and τ−τ0, respectively.

the volume p|g|dx0 in the neighborhood of the point x0 at the evolution time τ. The probability to find the particle anywhere in spacetime is 1,

hence5 Z q

|g|dx ψ(τ, x)ψ(τ, x) = 1. (1.80) Multiplying (1.79) byhx00|(that is projecting the state|ψiinto an eigenstate hx00|) we have

hx00|ψi=ψ(τ, x00) = Z

hx00|x0iq|g(x0)|dxhx0|ψi. (1.81) This requires the following normalization condition for the eigenvectors

hx0|x00i= δ(x0−x00)

p|g(x0)| = δ(x0−x00)

p|g(x00)| ≡δ(x0, x00). (1.82) From (1.82) we derive

µ0δ(x0, x00) =−∂µ00δ(x0, x00)− 1

p|g(x00)|∂µ00q|g(x00)|δ(x0, x00), (1.83) (x0µ−x00µ)∂0αδ(x0, x00) =−δµαδ(x0, x00). (1.84) We can now calculate the matrix elementshx0|pµ|x00i according to

hx0|[xµ, pν]|x00i= (x0µ−x00µ)hx0|pν|x00i=iδµνδ(x0, x00). (1.85) Using the identities (1.83), (1.84) we find

hx0|pµ|x00i= (−i∂µ0 +Fµ(x0))δ(x0, x00) (1.86) whereFµ(x0) is an arbitrary function. If we take into account the commu-tation relations [pµ, pν] = 0 and the Hermitian condition

hx0|pµ|x00i=hx00|pµ|x0i (1.87) we find thatFµ is not entirely arbitrary, but can be of the form

Fµ(x) =−i|g|1/4µ|g|1/4. (1.88) Therefore

pµψ(x0)≡ hx0|pµ|ψi = Z


= −i(∂µ+|g|1/4µ|g|1/4)ψ(x0) (1.89)

5We shall often omit the prime when it is clear that a symbol without a prime denotes the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator.


pµ=−i(∂µ+|g|1/4µ|g|1/4) (1.90) pµψ=−i|g|1/4µ(|g|1/4ψ). (1.91) The expectation value of the momentum operator is

hpµi= Z


=−iZ q|g|dx ψ(∂µ+|g|1/4µ|g|1/4)ψ. (1.92) Because of the Hermitian condition (1.87) the expectation value of pµ is real. This can be also directly verified from (1.92):

hpµi = iZ q|g|dx ψ(∂µ+|g|1/4µ|g|1/4

= −i Z q

|g|dx ψ(∂µ+|g|1/4µ|g|1/4)ψ +i


dx ∂µ( q

|g|ψψ). (1.93)

The surface term in (1.93) can be omitted and we findhpµi =hpµi. Point transformations In classical mechanics we can transform the generalized coordinates according to

x0µ=x0µ(x). (1.94)

The conjugate momenta then transform as covariant components of a vec-tor:

p0µ= ∂xν

∂x0µpν. (1.95)

The transformations (1.94), (1.95) preserve the canonical nature ofxµ and pµ, and define what is called a point transformation.

According to DeWitt, point transformations may also be defined in quantum mechanics in an unambiguous manner. The quantum analog of eq. (1.94) retains the same form. But in eq. (1.95) the right hand side has to be symmetrized so as to make it Hermitian:

p0µ= 12 µ∂xν

∂x0µpν+pν ∂xν


. (1.96)

Using the definition (1.90) we obtain by explicit calculation

p0µ=−i³µ0 +|g0|1/4µ0|g0|1/4´. (1.97)

Expression (1.90) is therefore covariant under point transformations.

Quantum dynamical theory is based on the following postulate:

The temporal behavior of the operators representing the observables of a physical system is determined by the unfolding-in-time of a unitary trans-formation.

‘Time’ in the above postulate stands for the evolution time (the evolution parameterτ). As in flat spacetime, the unitary transformation is

U =eiHτ (1.98)

where the generator of evolution is the Hamiltonian H= Λ

2(pµpµ−κ2). (1.99) We shall consider the case when Λ and the metricgµν are independent of τ.

Instead of using the Heisenberg picture in which operators evolve, we can use the Schr¨odinger picture in which the states evolve:

|ψ(τ)i=eiHτ|ψ(0)i. (1.100) From (1.98) and (1.100) we have


∂τ =H|ψi, i∂ψ

∂τ =Hψ, (1.101)

which isthe Schr¨odinger equation. It governs the state or the wave function defined over the entire spacetime.

In the expression (1.99) for the Hamiltonian there is an ordering ambigu-ity in the definition ofpµpµ =gµνpµpν. Since pµ is a differential operator, it matters at which place one putsgµν(x); the expressiongµνpµpν is not the same aspµgµνpν orpµpνgµν.

Let us use the identity

|g|1/4pµ|g|1/4 =−i ∂µ (1.102) which follows immediately from the definition (1.90), and define

pµpνψ = |g|1/2³|g|1/4pµ|g|1/4´|g|1/2gµν³|g|1/4pν|g|1/4´ψ

= −|g|1/2µ(|g|1/2gµννψ)

= −DµDµψ, (1.103)

where Dµis covariant derivative with respect to the metricgµν. Expression (1.103) is nothing but an ordering prescription: if one could neglect that pµand gµν (or|g|) do not commute, then the factors|g|1/2,|g|1/4, etc., in eq. (1.103) altogether would give 1.

One possible definition of the square of the momentum operator is thus p2ψ=|g|1/4pµgµν|g|1/2pν|g|1/4ψ=−DµDµψ. (1.104) Another well known definition is

p2ψ= 14(pµpνgµν+ 2pµgµνpν+gµνpµpν

= (−DµDµ+14R+gµνΓαβµΓβαν)ψ. (1.105) Definitions (1.104), (1.105) can be combined according to

p2ψ= 16(2|g|1/4pµgµν|g|1/2pν|g|1/4+pµpνgµν+ 2pµgµνpν +gµνpµpν

= (−DµDµ+16R+23gµνΓαβµΓβαν)ψ. (1.106) One can verify that the above definitions all give the Hermitian operatorsp2. Other, presumably infinitely many, Hermitian combinations are possible.

Because of such an ordering ambiguity the quantum Hamiltonian H = Λ

2p2 (1.107)

is undetermined up to the terms like (¯h2κ/2)(R+4gµνΓαβµΓβαν), (withκ= 0,


4, 16, etc., which disappear in the classical approximation where ¯h→0).

The Schr¨odinger equation (1.101) admits the following continuity

equa-tion ∂ρ

∂τ + Dµjµ= 0 (1.108)

whereρ=ψψand jµ= Λ

2 [ψpµψ+ (ψpµψ)] =−iΛ

2(ψµψ−ψ ∂µψ). (1.109)

The stationary Schr¨odinger equation. If we take the ansatz ψ=eiEτφ(x), (1.110) whereE is a constant, then we obtain the stationary Schr¨odinger equation


2(−DµDµ−κ2)φ=Eφ, (1.111)

which has the form of the Klein–Gordon equation in curved spacetime with squared massM22+ 2E/Λ.

Let us derive the classical limit of eqs. (1.91) and (1.101). For this purpose we rewrite those equations by including the Planck constant ¯h6:


pµψ=−i¯h|g|1/4µ(|g|1/4ψ), (1.112) Hψˆ =i¯h∂ψ

∂τ. (1.113)

For the wave function we take the expression ψ=A(τ, x)exp



hS(τ, x)


(1.114) with realAand S.

Assuming (1.114) and taking the limit ¯h→0, eq. (1.112) becomes ˆ

pµψ=∂µS ψ. (1.115)

Inserting (1.114) into eq. (1.113), taking the limit ¯h → 0 and writing separately the real and imaginary part of the equation, we obtain


∂τ = Λ

2 (∂µS∂µS−κ2), (1.116)


∂τ + Dµ(A2µS) = 0. (1.117) Equation (1.116) is just the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of the classical point particle theory in curved spacetime, whereE =−∂S/∂τ is ”energy”

(the spacetime analog of the non-relativistic energy) and pµ = ∂µS the classical momentum.

Equation (1.117) is the continuity equation, where ψψ = A2 is the probability densityand

A2µS =jµ (1.118)

isthe probability current.

6Occasionally we use the hat sign over the symbol in order to distinguish operators from their eigenvalues.

The expectation value. If we calculate the expectation value of the momentum operatorpµwe face a problem, since the quantityhpµiobtained from (1.92) is not, in general, a vector in spacetime. Namely, if we insert the expression (1.114) into eq. (1.92) we obtain

Z q

|g|dx ψpµψ = Z q|g|dx A2µS−i¯hZ q|g|dx(A∂µA +A2|g|1/4µ|g|1/4

= Z q|g|dx A2µS−i¯h 2


dx ∂µ(q|g|A2)

= Z q

|g|dx A2µS, (1.119) where in the last step we have omitted the surface term.

If, in particular, we choose a wave packet localized around a classical trajectoryxµ=Xcµ(τ), then for a certain period ofτ (until the wave packet spreads too much), the amplitude is approximately

A2= δ(x−Xc)

p|g| . (1.120)

Inserting (1.120) into (1.119) we have

hpµi=∂µS|Xc =pµ(τ) (1.121) That is, the expectation value is equal to the classical momentum 4-vector of the center of the wave packet.

But in general there is a problem. In the expression

hpµi=Z q|g|dx A2µS (1.122) we integrate a vector field over spacetime. Since one cannot covariantly sum vectors at different points of spacetime,hpµiis not a geometric object:

it does not transform as a 4-vector. The result of integration depends on which coordinate system (parametrization) one chooses. It is true that the expression (1.119) is covariant under the point transformations (1.94), (1.96), but the expectation value is not a classical geometric object: it is neither a vector nor a scalar.

One way to resolve the problem is in consideringhpµias a generalized geo-metric object which is a functional of parametrization. If the parametriza-tion changes, then also hpµi changes in a well defined manner. For the

ansatz (1.114) we have

hp0µi=Z q|g0|dx0A02(x0)∂0µS=Z q|g|dx A2(x)∂xν

∂x0µνS. (1.123) The expectation value is thus a parametrization dependent generalized ge-ometric object. The usual classical gege-ometric objectpµis also parametriza-tion dependent, since it transforms according to (1.95).

Product of operators.. Let us calculate the product of two operators.

We have

hx|pµpν|ψi = Z


= Z


p|g(x0)| (−i)∂ν0ψq|g(x0)|dx0

= −∂µνψ−12Γαµανψ, (1.124) where we have used the relation


|g|1/4µ|g|1/4 = 1

2p|g|∂µq|g|= 12Γαµα. (1.125) Expression (1.124) is covariant with respect to point transformations, but it is not a geometric object in the usual sense. If we contract (1.124) by gµν we obtain gµν(−∂µνψ − 12Γαµανψ) which is not a scalar under reparametrizations (1.94). Moreover, as already mentioned, there is an ordering ambiguity where to insertgµν.


Components pµ are projections of the vector p into basis vectors γµ of a coordinate frame. A vector can be expanded as p = pνγν and the components are given by pµ = p ·γµ (where the dot means the scalar product7). Instead of acoordinate framein which

γµ·γν =gµν (1.126)

we can use a local Lorentz frameγa(x) in which

γa·γbab (1.127)

whereηab is the Minkowski tensor. The scalar product

γµ·γa=eaµ (1.128)

7For a more complete treatment see the section on Clifford algebra.

isthe tetrad, orvierbein, field.

With the aid of the vierbein we may define the operators

pa= 12(eaµpµ+pµeaµ) (1.129) with matrix elements

hx|pa|x0i=−i Ã

eaµµ+ 1



δ(x, x0) (1.130) and

hx|pa|ψi=−i Ã

eaµµ+ 1



.ψ (1.131)

In the coordinate representation we thus have

pa=−i(eaµµ+ Γa), (1.132) where

Γa≡ 1

2p|g|∂µ(q|g|eaµ). (1.133) One can easily verify that the operator pa is invariant under the point transformations (1.95).

The expectation value

hpai= Z

dxq|g|ψpaψ (1.134) has some desirable properties. First of all, it is real, hpai = hpai, which reflects that pa is a Hermitian operator. Secondly, it is invariant under coordinate transformations (i.e., it transforms as a scalar).

On the other hand, since pa depends on a chosen local Lorentz frame, the integral hpai is a functional of the frame field eaµ(x). In other words, the expectation value is an object which is defined with respect to a chosen local Lorentz frame field.

Inflat spacetime we can choose a constant frame fieldγa, and the com-ponentseaµ(x) are then the transformation coefficients into a curved coor-dinate system. Eq. (1.134) then means that after having started from the momentumpµ in arbitrary coordinates, we have calculated its expectation value in a Lorentz frame. Instead of a constant frame fieldγa, we can choose anx-dependent frame field γa(x); the expectation value of momentum will then be different from the one calculated with respect to the constant frame field. In curved spacetime there is no constant frame field. First one has to choose a frame field γa(x), then define componentspa(x) in this frame field, and finally calculate the expectation value hpai.

Let us now again consider the ansatz (1.114) for the wave function. For the latter ansatz we have

hpai= Z

dxq|g|A2eaµµS, (1.135) where the term with total divergence has been omitted. If the wave packet is localized around a classical world lineXc(τ), so that for a certainτ-period A2 =δ(x−Xc)/p|g|is a sufficiently good approximation, eq. (1.135) gives hpˆai=eaµµS|Xc(τ)=pa(τ), (1.136) wherepa(τ) is the classical momentum along the world line Xcµ in a local Lorentz frame.

Now we may contract (1.136) by eaµ and we obtain pµ(τ) ≡ eaµpa(τ), which are components of momentum alongXcµ in a coordinate frame.

Product of operators. The product of operators in a local Lorentz frame is given by

hx|papb|ψi = Z


= Z

(−i) (eaµ(x)∂µ+ Γa(x)) δ(x−x0) p|g(x0)|



×(−i)¡ebν(x0)∂ν0 + Γa(x0)¢ψ(x0)

= −(eaµµ+ Γa)(ebνν+ Γb)ψ=papbψ. (1.137) This can then be mapped into the coordinate frame:

eaαebβpapbψ=−eqαebβ(eµaµ+ Γa)(eνbν+ Γb)ψ. (1.138) At this point let us use

µeaν−Γλµνeaλaebν = 0, (1.139) from which we have

ωabµ=eebν;µ (1.140) and

Γa12 1

p|g|∂µ(q|g|eaµ) = 12eaµ= 12ωcaµecµ. (1.141) Here

eaν;µ≡∂µeaν−Γλµνeaλ (1.142)

is the covariant derivative of the vierbein with respect to the metric.

The relation (1.139) is a consequence of the relation which tells us how the frame fieldγa(x) changes with position:

µγaaγb. (1.143) It is illustrative to calculate the product (1.138) first in flat spacetime.

Then one can always choose a constant frame field, so thatωabµ= 0. Then eq. (1.138) becomes

eaαebβpapbψ=−ebβα(ebννψ) =−∂αβψ+Γναβνψ=−DαDβψ, (1.144) where we have used

ebβebνbν , ebβ,αebν =−ebβebν, (1.145) and the expression for the affinity

Γµαβ =eeaα,β (1.146) which holds in flat spacetime where

eaµ,ν −eaν,µ = 0. (1.147) We see that the product of operators is just the product of the covariant derivatives.

Let us now return to curved spacetime and consider the expression (1.138).

After expansion we obtain

−eaαebβpapbψ= DαDβψ+ωabαeebννψ+12ecµωcaµ(eaαβψ+eaβαψ) +12eaβecµωcaµψ−12eaβebµωcaµωcψ

+14eaαebβecµedνωcaµωdbνψ. (1.148) This is not a Hermitian operator. In order to obtain a Hermitian operator one has to take a suitable symmetrized combination.

The expression (1.148) simplifies significantly if we contract it by gαβ and use the relation (see Sec. 6.1) for more details)

R=eaµebνabν;µ−ωabµ;νacµωcbν −ωacνωcbµ). (1.149) We obtain


=³DαDα14R−14eeωcaνωcbµ´ (1.150) which is a Hermitian operator. If one tries another possible Hermitian combination,

1 4


´, (1.151) one finds, using [pa, e] =−ieaννe, that it is equal toηabpapb since the extra terms cancel out.


In the first quantized theory we arrived at the Lorentz invariant Schr¨odin-ger equation. Now, following refs. [8]–[17], [19, 20] we shall treat the wave functionψ(τ, xµ) as a field and the Schr¨odinger equation as a field equation which can be derived from an action. First, we shall consider the classical field theory, and then the quantized field theory of ψ(τ, xµ). We shall construct a Hamiltonian and find out that the equation of motion is just the Heisenberg equation. Commutation relations for our field ψ and its conjugate canonical momentum iψ are defined in a straightforward way and are not quite the same as in the conventional relativistic field theory.

The norm of our states is thus preserved, although the states are localized in spacetime. Finally, we point out that for the states with definite masses the expectation value of the energy–momentum and the charge operator coincide with the corresponding expectation values of the conventional field theory. We then compare the new theory with the conventional one.