• Rezultati Niso Bili Najdeni


This meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund]. Turk at 7:45 P.M., at the Home Office of A.M.L.A., 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio pursuant to the notice of this meeting given at the close of the prior meeting of August 1, 1991.

Present were: Edmund Turk, Jean Krizman, Eugene Kogovsek, Matt Susei, John Pestotnik, James Debevec, Ann Opeka, Stanley Ziherl, Tony Petkovsek, Tony Hiti, Stane Kuhar and Joseph Valencic.

Ann Opeka read the minutes of the prior meeting, and the following cor-rections were made: on page 2, second sentence, "cost us $ 20.00" was deleted;

on page 3, seventh sentence, in place of "Public Radio", Ohio MagaZine was the correct designation. The minutes were then approved as corrected upon the motion of John Pestotnik and seconded by Eugene Kogovsek.

Stane Kuhar mentioned that he had not yet seen or heard a Treasurer's report, and received the explanation that Father Kumse was not able to be present this evening and that other expenses were not yet submitted by persons or organisations who had expended funds on behalf of our committee.

John Pestotnik brought up for clarification that one of the callers to the Radiothon asked that the funds he had sent to the Slovenian American Council be earmarked as a pledge to V.A.S. The details were given to the S.A.c. repre-sentative, Stane Kuhar.

Mr. Pestotnik also explained that Edvard Polsak, representing the singing societies, was not able to make it tonight due to rehearsals. Ann Opeka suggested that we inform the members of the committee that if they or their substitutes are unable to attend the meeting, the A.M.L.A. Home Office should be called, or others on the committee can relay the information to the meeting.

Jean Krizman stated that this committee should layout and detail our objectives for the future.

Chairman Turk responded that our public relations sub-committee use all the media at our disposal and co-ordinate timetables so that our messages can get out in one huge common voice. He reiterated his vision of a coalition of all of our Fraternal publications Zarija (sic!) (S.W.W), Prosveta (S.N.P.j., Glasilo

60 Zopisniki "United Americqns for Slovenia"

(K.S.K.J., New Era (A.F. V.), Our Voice (A.M.L.A.), Fraternal Voice (W.S.A.) and the Sloga publication (all of V.A.S. which representing approximately 125,000 plus members) uniting in the common cause of periodic coordinated publishing of our information, purpose, and pleas to continue calling and writing to the White House and elected officials of our Federal government.

John Pestotnik suggested planning another mass mailing to include another spectacular issue of the Ameriska Domovina. Someone spoke that a spot could be reserved in all fraternal publications of around 2 columns by 5 inches.

Eugene Kogovsek stated that he would recommend same at his National Board Meeting of K.S.K.]. James Debevec suggested that it would be very helpful if what we could send out to these publications, or any other print media, be camera ready, and we may have to hire a graphic arts specialist for illustrative purposes to best get our message across to the readers.

The consensus regarding our recent Radiothon was that it was a very successful promotion of our cause and that the donations received or pledged exceeded our expectations. Tony Petkovsek expressed his disappointment of the lack of coverage by our major local media.

Chairman Turk, speaking for all of the committee, expressed his and our gratitude to Tony Petkovsek and W.E.L.W. for their superb efforts in this endeavour. He also remarked in the same manner regarding our debt of gratitude to Kollander World Travel Organization for their generosity and courtesies extended, - even the pizza supplied after the radiothon. He suggested that we recognise these contributions at an appropriate time in the near future with a plaque or other suitable permanent memorial of this event.

Chairman Turk also expounded on some of the highlights of the event such as the calls from Bishop Pilla Anthony95, Keith Miles from London, England; Ivo Veigl's (sic!)96 call and one of the Slovenian Minister's who called from Ljubljana along with Linda Pestotnik; Mr. Ryovec (sic!)97 from California; Dr. Longo (sic!)98 from New York; and our own Congressman Dennis Eckart, among others.

John Pestotnik reported on the effectiveness of the U.S.S. booth at the 185th St. festival regarding petitions signed, memorabilia purchased and

approxi-* approxi-* approxi-*

95 Skofv Clcvcl<mdu.

96 Rcctc 1vo Vajglj rojen leta 1943, dipl. ing., do.avni sekrclar na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadcyc rcpublikc Slovcnijc, jugosloV'.mski generAlni konzui v Clevelandu v ielih 1986-1990, predstavnik :1.;1 stikc z javnostjo Ministrstv'A za wnanjc zadcvc SFR) v lctih 1990-1991, leta 1991 (ob razdru1.itvi Siovenijc z)ugosJavijo) postal slovcnski diplomat in leta 1993 slovcnski velcposlanik na Svcdskcm, leta ]9<)8 pOl. v Avstriji.

97 Pnlvilno Ryavcc.

98 Prdvilno Lango.


Razprave in grgdiva Ljubljana 1999 51. 34 61

mately 1,000 post cards that were signed. He also thanked Matt Susel for bring-ing a new Sloven ian flag from Europe, without which, replicas could not have been made for sale.

Tony Hiti brought us up to date on the plans that the Alliance of Sloven ian Americans are involved in regarding a large labor day demonstration that the AFL-CIO will have in Washington D.C., and they are trying to get a group together to participate in that demonstration for our cause. He also reported that the Alliance will be writing to a Congressional Committee on Human Rights regarding the Helsinki Accord violations against Siovenians by the Yugoslav government.

Me Hiti also informed the committee that he was made aware of the fact that several persons had received the July 5th letter from the Siovenian American Council, postmarked August 3rd, and containing language that was to be delet-ed from that communication per discussions with Stane Kuhar on July 10th at the Waterloo Hall meeting of this committee. Chairman Turk commented on this matter, and Mr. Kuhar responded that it might have been coincidental, but was not intentional, as the letters were sent from another location where such letters, in their original form were located. Chairman Turk asked Me Kuhar to look further into this matter and report back at the next meeting.

Stan Ziherl suggested that the P.R. subcommittee meet to layout plans for future conferences with other elected officials of the government. He also suggested that each member write their own thoughts on this and present them to the committee.

There was some general discussion on fund ralsmg, and Mr. Kuhar suggested using goals and letting the public know what this committee would decide to do with any funds that may be in excess of our needs. James Debevec suggested a fund raising committee to make our goals known and to solicit more contributions, and buying radio time or advertising in media such as U.S.A. Today. Tony Petkovsek suggested plans for some major publicity at such future events as the Oktoberfest.

At 9;35 p.m., upon the motion of Stane Khuha (sic!) and second by Tony Hiti, the meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be held at the A.M.L.A. Home Office on Friday, August 16, 1991, at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Stanley G. Ziher!

62 Zopisniki "United Americans for Sioveniq"