• Rezultati Niso Bili Najdeni


This meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund J. Turk at 7:45 p.m., at the Home Office of A.M.L.A., 19424 S. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio, pur-suant to the notice of this meeting given at the close of the prior meeting.

Present were: Edmund Turk, Fr. Rebol, Eugene Kogovsek, Jean Krizman, Cirila Kermavner, Martin Kumse, Joseph Vaiencic, John Pestotnik, Ann Opeka, Karl Bonutti, Rudolph Susel, James Debevec and Stanley Ziherl.

Stanley Ziherl read the minutes of the prior meeting, and the following corrections and additions were made: Spelling errors were made in the names of Edwin Polsak, Dr. Lango,99 Mark Ryavec and Ivo Vajgl; and Chairman Turk asked that the third paragraph on page 2 include this committee's praise for the contribution, attention and efforts in our endeavour by John Pestotnik and the Radio Club, and James Debevec and the American Home.

Chairman Turk in his opening remarks repeated that we had made known that we would welcome participation by other groups, but he has not yet heard from others that may be interested.

Karl Banutti suggested that large donors to our cause be invited to our meet-ings and Chairman Turk pointed out that they would be welcome, as we always have extra seats and space available for them to observe our proceedings, and that we have allowed guests in the past.

Regarding a Treasurer's report, Chairman Turk asked if John Pestotnik and Stan Ziherl would lend themselves to working with Fr. Kumse in that matter.

John Pestotnik reported that to date, the pledges and contributions would exceed $ 27,000,00.

Joseph Valencic reported on the work he is doing on drafting a Thank You and other information letter to our donees. Chairman Turk suggested that it would be nice if the letter was constructed to include the amount of the

dona-* dona-* dona-*

99 Lingo Silvester, rojen leta 1940 (Dcsklc, S[ovenija), zdravnik, piscc strokovnih del s podrocja IlIcdkinc, clan stcvilnih strokovnih zdruzcnj, prcdscdnik AmcrBkcga s]ovcnskcg3 kongrcsa, prcdscdnik NYC Slovene American Club-a; clan ~Ievitnih slovenskih zdruzcnj v Zdruzenih drzavah Amcrikc (Slovene Business Community Club, New York, SSS, Slovene Republican Club of New York), sponzOI" simpozijcv () sloven.~ki prisOInosli v Zdruzcnih drZavah lela 1992 in 1993, moderator mesecnih slovcnskih kulturnih !HcC:::anj v New Yorku.


Rgzprgve in gradjvQ Ljubljgna 1999 st. 34 63

tion to serve as a confirmation of the amount, as at least one of the donors had made that request.

Martin Kumse and John Pestotnik suggested placing ads in publications such as the Plain Dealer, in addition to another mailing project. Chairman Turk spoke on considering meeting with Senator Metzenbaum and Congressman Feighan, and Jim Debevec suggested extending an invitation to Senator Dole or trying to meet with him. Eugene Kogovsek suggested concentrating on all sen-ators and congressmen who expressed favor for the independence of Slovenia.

After a discussion on ordering more post cards to be sent to the White House, Karl Bonutti moved, and John Pestotnik seconded to purchase and print 5,000 more postcards, motion was approved unanimously.

Joseph Valencic shared with us the thoughts of our P.R. subcommittee regarding a series of ads in Siovenian publications telling the readers how to contact the White House President Bush Hot Line; self-mailing envelopes and order form for donations; follow-up press releases on our actions and results;

audio tapes to Siovenian and polka radio media nationally to run as public service announcements on contacting President Bush for recognition of Slovenia; and other means of keeping up the pressure.

John Pestotnik commented that we're due for another attention-getting mail-ing to keep our cause on an up-beat.James Debevec suggested that we make an effort or contact in other areas across the country for groups to form or be asso-ciated with us. He also suggested that church bulletin ads may also be helpful.

Karl Bonutti thought that other ethnic groups should be approached through their leaders. Chairman Turk asked Karl Bonutti if he could make contact with people in other cities that he has contact with. Joseph Valencic mentioned that we should look forward to packaging some written material for the Oktoberfest celebration.

Eugene Kogovsek reported that K.S.K.]. sent $ 100,00 in response to the Radiothon, and that the KSKJ board approved setting aside space of 2 columns by 5 inches for the next three months in their publication for our material. An Opeka suggested sending information to Slovenia, and after further discussion by others, upon the motion of Stanley Ziherl and second by Eugene Kogovsek, it was unanimously approved that U.A.S. would pay for the postage and sub-scription to the American Home for issues to be sent to Slovenia's president and selected members of Slovenia's cabinet to let them get information from Cleveland.

64 Zgpjsnjkj "'United Americans for Siovenio"

John PeslOtnik brought us up to date regarding possible representation in the Labor march in Washington available to local Slovenians, and may have more information next week on further details. Jim Oebevec suggested that we send a lener of support to the AFL-CIO with the expectation that they may, in turn, sponsor our cause. This was taken under advisement, especially when we have no idea on what kind of turnout or support that may participate in their march and demonstration.

Chairman Turk read the recentlener he received, along with a T-shirt which commemorated the demonstrations by Slovenians in London, England, from Keith Miles, the Honorary representative of the Republic of Slovenia in England.

There being no further business, upon the motion of Kar! Bonutti and second by Stanley Ziher!, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m., and our next meeting will be on Friday, August 23, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. at the AMLA Home Office.

Respectfully submitted, Stanley Ziher!


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The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., on August 23, 1991, by Chairman Turk at the A.M.L.A. Home Office. Present were Edmund Turk, Edwin Polsak, Stane Kuhar, Father Kumse, James Debevec, John Pestotnik, Joseph Valencic, Kar! Bonutti, Cirila Kermavner, Matt Susel, Stanley Ziher!, Tony Petkovsek and Father Boznar.

The minutes of the meeting of August 16th were read by Stan Ziher! and were corrected regarding the mailing of the Ameriska Domovina to persons in Slovenia to clarify that the U.A.S. would pay for the postage involved for a peri-od of six months and that it would be mailed to several newspapers and the Sloven ian Press agency and Matica. After the corrections were noted, John Pestotnik moved with a second by Mrs. Kermavner to approve the minutes as corrected and emended.

Chairman Turk welcomed Edwin Polsak to the committee, and reported that he received no requests from any other organization to become a member of this committee.

Father Kumse reported that our checking account had a balance of $ 24,142 at this time, with only partial expenditures paid for, and other expenditures have not yet been submitted. It was reported that there could be approximately two thousand plus dollars of pledges that have not actually been received yet, and some monies received on this date that have not been submitted and cleared for deposit to our account.. The report as given by Father Kumse was approved and accepted by the motion of Stan Ziher! and second of John Pestotnik and the agreement of the committee.

Chairman Turk reported upon the letter sent to the President by Senator Glenn and Congressman Eckart and asked that it be published by Jim Debevec.

Stane Kuhar gave a report in the nature of a response to the request for clarification by Anthony Hiti at prior meeting where Mr. Hiti was of the opinion that solicitations sent out by the Slovenian American Council on the same day as the radiothon might have confused some of the donors.

Joseph Valencic reported that the "thank you" letter will be ready to send to all of our donors and would get together with Stan Ziher! and John Pestotnik to implement this project.

66 Zapisniki "United Americans for Sloveniq"

Chairman Turk stated the most recent events regarding the Soviet Union developments and asked for an evaluation and input on our feelings as to the possible effects of our government recognising the Republic of Slovenia. The consensus was that the Soviet situation, and the impending recognition of the Baltic states by both the U.S. and Russia, had a positive effect for Slovenia and did not seem to be detrimental in the long run.

John Pestotnik stated that we should send out another mailing as soon as pOSSible, in addition to the Thank you letters to keep the pressure on.

Karl Bonutti reported that Ernest Petrie 100, the former Yugoslav ambassador to India would be coming to Washington DC in some form of diplomatic status as the representative of Slovenia here in the U.S. He should be located in the U.S.

near the end of September, and the situation looks more promising for Slovenia, and that it seemed likely that Slovenia and Croatia may be recognized simultaneously in the near future.

It was suggested that we should send another very strong letter to the President and members of Congress to take advantage of the situation as it stands now. Some felt that if we do, we should speak only of Slovenia and not mention Croatia. Stan Ziherl felt that, while we speak only of the recognition of Slovenia, that we must mention the Croation (sic!) situation, so not as to dis-tance ourselves from that situation as our President has done.

John Pestotnik reported that approximately 250 full petitions have been returned, and in his opinion the response was not as good as anticipated. He also reported that we would have some persons at the Oktoberfest to keep our movement going.

Upon the motion of Stan Ziherl and second by John Pestotnik, this meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m., and that our next meeting will be on September 5, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. again at the A.M.L.A. Home Office.

* * *

100 Ernest Petrie; mjen leta 1936 v Ljuhljani. ad leta 1982 rcdoi profcsor na Fakultcti za sodologijo, polilicne vcdc in novinarstvo v Ljubljani. V h.!tih 1989-1991 velcposlanik SFRJ v Intliji, od leta 1991 najprej pooblas(-coct:

vladc Rcpublikc Slovcnijc v ZDA nalo pOi v Icrib 1992-1996 pa vclcposlanik Hcpuhlike Slovcntjc v ZDA. Cd leta 1996 drzavni sckrelar na MinislrSIVl1 ~<I zunanjc zadcvc Rcpublike S]ovcnijc.


Rqzprqve in grqdjyo Ljubljana 1999 il. 34 67