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R: I see that when they come here from school some of the kids, some of the kids they kind of need just a little bit of a break, where they just need, I don't know 10 minutes with the phone. Some of the kids, not all of the kids. Uhm, and I see that if we have like a planned activity, where they want to participate, they kind of forget about the phone.

E: Mhm.

R: And then they participate. I see it especially during this whole corona thing where we have been more, more actively making plans for them and activities.

M: In a little gorup.

R: In a little group, yes, that they have been more participating and coming down and

»Hey, what can we do today?« like that's what I've seen from before. And I've seen the difference between when we had the phone-less days, we only did it for just I think a couple of times, 2, 3 times maybe?

E: Yeah.

R: Before the whole corona thing. At first it was a bit of a struggle, from what I saw.

And we had like a basket where they can leave their phones, ehm, and what we gathered before with the whole phone-less days is that we, we got some data from the kids explaining that if we had like some activities fort hem, it would be fine.

E: Yeah.

R: That was like mainly the data we got. Ehm, so I see if we have something for them that they want to do, they will participate in that and kind of leave the phone away, maybe sometimes take it up if they do tik tok videos or something.

E: Yeah.

R: If we dont't have anything and they just kind of stroll around they will use the phones more so it's kind of a boring, you know, I'm a little bit bored, l just take my phone. Like maybe when adults…

M: Like waiting on a bus.

55 R: Yeah, when adults…

M: We get bored and then we take our phones

R: Yeah, so if we are more actively and have something fort hem they participate in that.

E: Ok.

B: I think there's a little group who's very creative and they are, they are just waiting to produce something very good. They don't need this … uhm… they can handle it.

E: Yeah.

B: But I think most people need some small kind of restrictions.

E: Yeah.

R: And then they do it together, like they have the Tik Tok videos that is mostly where I see the kids, especially the girls, they use their phones and then they do it together.

So it's also of how we use, use it as a tool and as a way of gather and make, what do we call it, better realtionships.

B: Mhm.

R: And not see it as an enemy. But we wanted to have the days because we saw the kids, as we talked about, sitting alone a lot with the phones and we were trying to get them into activities but it was difficult so we thought, still think maybe, that if we have like okay, we have some hours here withouth the phones that they, they don't have to take, they don't have to think about okay maybe I'll just take the phone.

E: Yeah.

R: We take the options away from them.

B: Mhm.

R: To ease it, like we said, yeah.

(10 seconds of silence) M: I'm just thinking…

E: Yeah.


M: I agree with you R… but I think the children, like grown ups, when we have a moment, when we don't know what to say, we could maybe be a little bit…(says the word in danish)

R: Insecure, yeah.

B: Mhm.

M: … insecure, children maybe they are a little bit »oh, I don't.. I will not ask, so maybe I'll just use my phone instead«.

E: Yeah.

M: And I think it can be the same with us.

E: Yeah.

M: We are sitting somewhere, we can just take the phones up.

E: Yeah.

R: Hide behind them

M: Yeah a little bit. Because otherwise you just sit. And that maybe looks a little bit funny so, but if you sit with the phones it doesn't look strange. It's very normal.

R: And we have to be more aware of that, that it's not for hiding but maybe because they need, like some of the kids they kinda just, it's their break, like maybe when we are just looking outside a window they can just, maybe for them it's a break, sitting with their phone. But we have to distinguish if it's a break or if it's just hiding. Like you said and that can be a little bit difficult.

(a small disruption when the leader of the club dropped in to say something to the day leader, but after he leaves the conversation resumes immideately like it had never stopped. The small danish conversation between the leaders was about 1 min long) M: Because we know that we are using our brains a lot when we use the phones. So when we say to each other »oh I need to relax« so I sit with my phone, the brain doesn't relax. But our, but maybe it's, it could be okay, because we can not speak with each other all the time.

E: Yeah.


M: And when the children have been to school and the teachers has given them a lot of work to do and they have been playing and working, maybe it's okay to sit a little bit withouth ehm… (says the word in danish)

R: Interaction.

M: Interaction with a lot of people. But the brain doesn't relax. I can hear a lot of children who says, also some children in my family, they all the time says »oh I'm going to relax so I sit with my ipad.«

E: Yeah.

M: And I also think that grown ups are telling kids »oh, do you need to relax? You can sit with your phone.«. But I think in this corona period, I think the children, just like K said that it has been very good for them to be in this little group. They came here, ask K »what are we going to do today?« »oh we are going to do this« and every day »what are we going to do today?«

B: They hungered for something else.

(everyone agrees) R: Craving for activities.

B: Craving yes.

M: So this structure, if we could do that every day, I think it would be the best way to do …(thinking)

R: Club.

M: Club. Because I think a lot of children they don't know what to do if they, we just tell them »you can do whatever.«

R: Yeah.

M: And they ask »can I bake a cake?« »no no, you can not bake a cake today«.

E: Yeah.

M: » What can I …« They, they don't know what to do. And then they maybe just sit in the couch with a friend and using thier phones.

58 7.2 Primer dnevniškega zapisa

6. 2. 2020

Pri otrocih lahko vidim, da jih telefon na nek način obremenjuje. Ko se npr. želijo pridružiti aktivnosti, telefon sprva nerodno prekladajo po rokah, morda še vedno napol strmijo v ekran, če pa jih aktivnost dovolj pritegne, položijo telefon v žep/torbico na sebi in je malo bolje, a današnji veliki pametni telefoni še vseeno otežujejo gibanje otrok, roke segajo po oteženem žepu, popravljajo torbico na telesu in kmalu potegnejo telefon nazaj ven in nadaljujejo ogled videov ali igranje igrice. Nekateri otroci pustijo telefon v šolski torbi, v omarici, vendar je teh manj. Pozitivne se mi zdijo omarice za polnjenje telefonov, saj jih poleg tega, da si otroci lahko napolnijo baterijo telefona, prisili, da pustijo svojo napravo zaprto v omarici za določen čas.

7.3 Tabela s kategorijami in kodami drugega reda DOŽIVLJANJE